Livid? Remember what I did with Yahoo?

Jul 03, 2005 16:57

So, I just got a call from the truck driver.

"I don't think we're gonna make it, so we're just gonna bring it by tomorrow"
    "Um, tomorrow is July 4. We've already made plans. That's why we said 10-2 today was fine."
"Well, if I bring it today, we're there until 12 or 1. You got alot of stuff."
    "And of course you've been working all day today"
"Yeah, and I got another one in Arlington that's gonna have to push back too."
    "So what are my options?"
"I don't know I'll call the main office."
    "Is anyone going to be there?"
"I don't know."
    "So I should expect a call back in 10-15 minutes"

We're at 10 minutes and holding.
I've already placed a call to our moving agent

movers, moving, aries

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