Oct 20, 2007 10:48
I was very excited last night to find the first three Torchwood novels in Borders. Given how spotty the distribution of the Doctor Who books is, I never thought I'd ever actually see them on store shelves! One of them is by Andy Lane, one of the writers from that fabled "Golden Age" of the New Adventures, and another is Peter Anghelides, who's definitely written a couple of enjoyable if not exceptional novels for the Eighth Doctor range. The last is by Dan Abnett, who I'd never heard of, but he seems to have a comics background and I'm always willing to give someone new a shot.
Then, I logged onto the internet today only to see that they've announced a second set, due to come out in March 2008. "Great!" I thought. And then I saw two of the three writers: Gary Russell and Trevor Baxendale. I'd rather have my teeth slowly pulled out one at a time through my nose than read either of their books... Why can't the Beeb just commission some of the writers I actually like for these things? Where are the Lloyd Rose Doctor Who books, the Lance Parkin books, the Paul Cornell books, the Jon Blum/Kate Orman books? If there was even one of those writers among the announced books, I would feel more inclined to pick them all up, even a Russell one.