Nov 01, 2005 01:32
Heya everyone. Old friends...
I realize that I haven't been on for about 4/5 months. I think I mentioned that I'd be taking a break. Forgive if I didn't :^( My break was neccessary due to some parts of WoW burnout, spending time with my family, and my semester that I'm currently "studying abroad"/interning in NYC.
I read about the expansion (how exciting!) on my old WoW memories came back to me.... :) I can't wait to play again in December. In fact, I may build myself a new gaming computer (Sorry Xella, my Mac buddy...I just need more than my Mac PowerBook! >.>
Well, I just thought I'd stop by, and say hello, and a big /wave to my LJ WoW friends....Xella, DaJoey, Cricket, Persea, Warlo, and many others who looked out for Zazzik's hide in Azeroth.
After reading the past few entries, I'm saddened to see the great, supportive, loving guild of the Lordaeron Journalists fade away, but I understand....And just want to wish the best to all of you in your respective WoW homes. I don't want to incite a flame war or anything, but I'd be interested to know what happened....If not, don't worry about it....Nevermind...I read up on it. <3
I'd love to know where people are at or playing....whether that be their mains or alts! Please leave me a comment, and I'll be playing again in late December, and would love to game with some of you once again! :^)