Feb 28, 2011 15:00
As I mentioned before, Zanther did not have any issues opening doors. He knew to twist, and either kick off the frame or lean, depending on the door. I saw him do this many times, opening closets and him letting himself into the bathroom when I was in there. He was also expert at opening doors that were slightly cracked, either the head butt to push them open, or the grab and pull.
His door opening skills were put to use when he was at the vet. Apparently he was left alone in the room, and the door was inward opening. The vet tech came out to talk to my wife about something, and he left the door cracked. My wife warned the tech to close the door, he was sure that Zanther wasn't smart enough to open the door. Well, not a few seconds after that, the vet tech was chasing Zanther down the hall. Zanther wasn't gonna hang around for anymore butt temperature probes and some dumb vet tech left the door cracked, providing a convenient escape route provided by the not so smart vet tech.