From Sunday to Thursday, I spent most of the week drunk, stoned, or both, and on Wednesday, I managed to be drunk, stoned, and on acid. I kind of miss when I wasn't an alcoholic junkie. I think I'll dedicate this week to being healthy, working out, staying sober, and being creative and productive. Friday and Saturday were awesome though...
Friday night, sober night part 1 of 2... Erica won second place at the Miss Catwalk Tragedy 3 event, wooo!
Saturday night, sober night part 2 of 2, Din Glorious rocked the fucking house last night (thanks to Emily for photos...
Well, first off, Justin was very very drunk
Dan looked fucking incredible
Zac is hot shit with a keytar that reminds of me of being on acid
And I'm a fucking rockstar
And also, Justin is a smug bastard, and he knows he's hotter than you
but anyway...
And let it be known that Justin played with my penis on stage
So, now, I can't wait to get my new saxophone and to get that last recording session for Digital Sacrilege out of the way and have a finished album. After that is done, I will focus on remixes (Mortal Clay, Corpse Thriller, Muon Electron, and I would like to do Anti-Mechanism too!). I will also focus on Mr. Manic, and get more songs done, I'd like to do a remix of Jellowaste, and also work on some Slude Puppy schtuff.