How interesting. It seems that
Vezelay has found a way to join me after all. I haven't seen her yet, I guess they threw her into the Room of Reflection shortly after she got here. Poor girl, that's not a very fun place. I've been in there four times and each time I get more and more resentful that they have the balls to put me there.
Hell will be much more interesting with her around. Have any of you ever heard the expression, "It's better to rule in Hell than serve in Heaven?" Well, I believe that, with all my "soul" you might say. And I know with Vezelay's help, this perpetual sauna will become a lot more tolerable. Perhaps even enjoyable.
So, all you saps up there who are so worried about bringing Vez back with those silly little "dragon balls", don't worry so much about it. She's going to be just fine. I've got plans, and with her by my side, plans will become a reality. By the time you find those little dragon balls, she'll probably not want you to wish her back. Six months with my influence is a very long time!
At the very least, she should at least be able to help me find a way to get the damned
rodent loving freak off my back. God, he's the most annoying being I've ever met, since these
two idiots. No, you stupid freak, I am not a woman, leave me ALONE!
I have to find Vezelay. I don't want to waste any time.