TV Gods

Nov 13, 2008 17:06

So, hey.

Up here in Alaska, and looking for ways to make some money. Luckily, my basic bills are being footed by my dad for the moment, so I don't need to worry about full-time, regular-job work for now (thank God, because the job pool here is exactly four jobs, two of which will be given to a Native Alaskan applicant over a white guy). Hence, since my TV reviews from a little while ago were well-received, I'm going to start a TV blog and try to get enough advertising to make some cash.

If anyone has any ideas on a good place to host it (I've been advised that Wordpress is good, agreement/disagreement?), how to get some good ads that won't bother the readers too much, and how to get people to actually read my stuff, I very much welcome some advice. My forte is the words, not publication.

Now, a question I aim at my Pagan friends. I am thinking of calling my blog "TV Gods" and using the Olympians as mouthpieces. This is for three reasons: 1) As a Dedicant of Hermes, I owe him a Work (Not  a Great Work, more like a Middling-Work-Until-I'm-Ready-To-Do-A-Great-Work, 2) Some kind of gimmick is useful to getting attention online, and 3) I think it's really cool. So the question: Is this idea honoring the Gods or disrespecting them? More nitty-gritty, I had the idea of writing "as" Hermes for the Blog, and occasionally as the other Gods. Is that hubris, or no different than taking on a Godform in circle?

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