Max's Pants are Still in my Car

Mar 05, 2005 22:34

Have I mentioned yet to anyone how big of a March fan I am? Really, I swear it! I like it almost as much as I love the new Battlestar Galactica!

Apparently Live Journals are in again. Maybe I should update more often...what's that? You'll pay me not to, eh? Alright then, I've made up my mind! However I still have a contractual obligation to finish this one at least.

So a typical Saturday in the life of a crooked-fingered Platz-snerfer consists of the following ritualistic practices:
-Talking/Sulking/General Misery

You're witnessing stage four in action.

Cartoons - Crappy week for cartoons. Beyblade was new...and that's about it. And they even cut it off about three minutes before the end. Maybe they've finally realized how rediculous the show is, and they're taking it off the air. The sad thing is that I think I'd actually miss it.

Tournament - Lousy turnout. John, the guy who beat me in the first of the new tournaments was there. He and Andrew played in the first round, Andrew lost and said he'd be really upset if I lost. After one of the longest games ever I took him out with both of my LV4s! I then beat the kid who beat me last week and finally a kid with one of the new structure decks. It was fun, but Max wasn't there, which sucked. I still need Breaker...and more Enemy Controllers. Why are they so hard to find!? Also there's no tournament next week. I friggin' hate March.

Movie - Normally my dad will rent something, so this could be nearly anything...when my mom pulls something out of the cassette wall it can be ANYTHING! For example: Xanadu. I'll say no more. If you want to know you're going to have to do some research...Xanadu...

Talking/Sulking/General Misery - As stated earlier, this is where I currently reside. Things to be upset about March...Physics...the State of the Union (both literally and metaphorically). Just about the only good news I've gotten in all of March still seems like a hoax to me. I'm convinced that there's still something I don't know...but I can't do anything because of what happened the last time I tried. I need to set some sort of trap...or at least a quickplay spell card...maybe Scapegoat. Oh yeah, and my brother's home. Of course I love my brother, and he's a great guy, but whenever he's around there's always people in my house. I hate people. Especially when they're in my house. Stupid people.

Predictions...Crying - I'll most likely spend some time reflecting on how miserable I am, always have been and how it's very unlikely that this will ever change. Might have some cheescake first though...

Sleep - It's also likely that....wait you really don't know what would happen during the sleep phase? You're dumb! Just go away. Seriously, get off my property!

"See? This is what happens when you leave the house!! You meet....PEOPLE!" - Phineas Fog (probably mispelled), Around the World in 80 days.

PS - The New Battlestar Galactica sucks. Hard.
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