Jan 04, 2005 21:13
Yes, you heard correctly, today was indeed a Tuesday! Using the TV watcher's guid to days of the week its Amazing Race! But that's beside the point that I'm not making.
Just a few minutes ago I was reading threw some of my old journal entries and man, I'm a huge pain in the ass aren't i? Seriously, these entries make me wan to kill myself...and I'm me! I can only imagine how much it bothers you...but I do so love to bother people...
School summary:
A-Mythology: We learned about the Greek heroine Atalanta, who seems to be widely considered as the lamest hero. Not much of interest
B-French: More pronouns, sick of Sheehy, can't wait for sweet release (of either death or semister, whichever comes first).
C-Gym: Here's the kicker. My SECOND volleyball (I hate volleyball) unit in a row ended today, however I've been screwed again by Pennsbury's gym teachers. I signed up for Table Tennis as my next unit, but they have me going into weight lifting. That's. Complete. Bullshit. If they really think I'm going into weight lifting they're even dumber than they appear to be. We'll just see how that turns out tomorrow....fuckers...
D-Math: Practice AP Test. Loads of fun! Especially useful since I'm not planning on taking any AP tests. Still, it was reassuring to know that most of the class was also unable to finish their tests. I'm not looking forward to discovering how poorly I did.
That's most of news, methinks. Each day this year is a struggle. It's wearing me down pretty quickly, I must say. Especially since...yes I've done it again. I've reobsessed myself with one of the two females mentioned in earlier journal entries. I don't know if I should say anything. I really hate when I do this, it's just freaking frustrating. But that's a matter for another time.
That's all I can think of. Tomorrow's EOP and I still have no place to go since the anime club got shut down. I'll just have to fudge something...though, come to think of it, I think tomorrow might be an NHS day.
Quote of the Entry: "What does farmland, an elephant, a vagina, and viagra all have in common?" - The Ancient Riddle of Jessi.