(no subject)

Oct 25, 2005 13:03

I haven't updated in a whole week. That's pretty crazy. Today is Tuesday and I have to start my article out by saying last Thursday... oh well fair enough. Last Thursday I worked 1-6. All I have to say, is that it absolutely sucked. I only did like four "downs". Downs are the time you spend actually dealing, usually like 30-45 minutes in length. Before long, somebody taps your shoulder and you get up and bring your trey of money to the supervisor who counts it. Anyways, when I brought my trey back three of the four times, my trey was short on money. Twice for $1 and once for $5. That is shitty. I made $60 in 5 hours, they chopped off 10% because they're douchebags which left me down to $54. I had to pay $7 back to the floor which left me down to $47. It takes me $12 just to drive to and from work, so that left me at a lovely profit of $35 in 5 hours. A lovely $7/hour rate that I could do better at Publix. Oh well, it is a stressful but fun job so I'm not going to complain about it much more. I just went home and went to sleep after that.

Friday was my reward, however. I probably did 10 or so downs and that included a down at the Straight $2 Omaha H/L game (which was a blast to deal), and several straight $2 holdem games. I haven't got in the action game yet which I find very unfortunate, but beggars can't be choosers. 12:30-5:30 I spent there, walked out of the cashier with $130 which I felt was a pretty successful few hours. $26/hr anyone? Solid solid. I can't wait to start working doubles and nights/weekends. That's where the prime time money is at. Oh well. After I got out of work on Friday I metup with Marky Mark to continue preparation for his fucking insane party he was about to throw later that night. I went and picked up the keg and met him at his house to start Party-Proofing it so that nothing would break and everything would be fun. Well, 250 people, 1 keg, 7 cases of beer, 3 handles of Captain Morgan, 1 handle of Jose Cuervo, 2 bottles of flavored rum, 2 bottles of Bicardi 151, and a lovely bottle of Grey Goose later... yeah it was a hell of a party.

Saturday was entirely spent cleaning this shit up. If anybody has seen Marks yard, it was covered in trash. His entire main floor had this film of dirt and beer covering the marble that was very difficult to clean up. We filled like 7 trash bags full of crap and took it out to the curb. It was insane. At this party Mark met some girl named Alexia or something like that. This kid Tim brought three girls with him and Mark, Myself, and Tim were talking to them for a good part of the night. I eventually got bored because none of them were drinking and that is muy mal, plus I'm imaging their average age was 16 which meant there was probably a wild card girl that was 15 and I was scared of which one. Man that age gap is huge, oh well. So Mark goes over there because the one girl thought he was "totally hot"... aka she wants to hook up with a rich guy that can take care of you. I ain't sayin she a gold digga... but she ain't messin with no broke nigga. That's possibly all made up, who knows. Anyways, I was at my house waiting for him to get finished. Things finished up a little bit early when she was reluctent to start getting down and dirty, plus the fact that she had a cat at her house made for a bad time with Marks allergies, GG him. When I picked him up at his house we decided to go to Kid Star and see what's happening. Turns out the place was just closing down and Mark offered to finish the job for them. We found two identifications, one was for a 25 year old man that I could certainly pass as, and the other was an 18 year old kid that Mark couldnt pass for if he tried but he took it anyways. Now we've both got fresh fake IDs. Sweeeeeeeeet. Afterwards we decided we're going to Orlando the next day and that we could catch some ZZZZzzz's so we did.

Sunday morning we decided that we were going to meetup with Pat and whoever else was availible in Orlando. So at about the time we are getting onto I-4, we start calling Pat a bunch and trying to get directions. He was like "Yeah my Exit is 101B". I thought that was strange for several reasons, because once I remember him saying he lived near the TD Waterhouse Center, however, he always says he's a half hour away from the Magic events that we hang out at. It made sense but it didn't at the same time. Seemed very fishy. So by the time I realize we're about to make a big ass circle, we had already made it to exit 98. We were basically committed to taking Pat's shitty directions by now. Here is the path that we took to get to Orlando.

Seems necessary, don't you agree?

So anyways, Sunday night we metup with Pat and started drinking pretty early. I got a call from LaTrisha around 9:00pm that she wanted us to come over and fortunately it was like a 2 minute drive over there. So I met the three guys that LaTrisha lives with, one of which she's dating. The other was this funny outgoing guy named Rob and the third was a black guy with a bum leg who was walking around in crutches. They were all three playing World of Warcraft most of the night while Mark, Pat, LaTrisha, and I all just shot the shit and drank a lot of beers. Around 11:00 I stopped drinking because I knew there weren't enough beers to get me more than a mild buzz that I already had and there certainly wasn't enough to get me drunk. Around 12:30 we were all starving and decided it would be a great idea to Pita Pit, because Pita Pit is the fucking best thing ever, well not quite best ever, but when you're drunk and hungry, it's very solid. So anyways, we showed up there and they were closing down because it's Sunday and Pita Pit is gay like that. We were going over awful alternatives like Taco Bell, McDonalds, and just as we were still pondering Mark comes back screaming. Apparently the Wing Zone was still open in the same plaza as the Pita Pit. Wings obviously didn't sound like the best thing to eat, but what're ya going to do! Anyways, I ordered some Honey Garlic wings that were by far the favorite of all of ones chosen. What can I say, I know how to pick a good wing. Mark got some spicy BBQ and Pat got the NUCLEAR ones. One a scale of 1-5, they were the only 5. About a half hour after we started eating the wings, Pat was literally running around screaming like a little girl. Everybody was laughing hysterically at him. He ate one of the wings and said it was pussy and that he should have got some really hot wings. Then after he had three he conceded a little bit and was like "yeah these's are fairly hot I misjudged them". Then after 7 total he was like "WOW THIS IS THE HOTTEST THING I'VE EVER HAD!!!!!" Mark and I kept laughing about how he's going to shit fire in the morning and how that's going to be the worst part of this all, haha. Quite funny.

I drove those drunk fucks back to Pat's place and we went to sleep at like 2:30. I woke up at like 8:30 to some crazy ass rain and wind blowing outside but didn't think much of it. Went and used the bathroom and went back to sleep. Woke up at like 3pm to bright skies and freaking beautiful weather. We sat around watching NFL PrimeTime for a while, seeing the highlights of Sunday's NFL action. Then I convinced them that we needed to go to Ale House to get the freaking mountain of chicken nachoes. For once in his life Mark didnt try to order a beer/drink at a restaurant even though I feel that he could have succeeded here more than anywhere else so far because the waitress was just a laid back cool crazy chick. She was very entertaining and our bill came out to be like $19 for the three of us and we were struffed. We left her $30 and she was happy extremely happy. Pat wanted me to pick him up a bottle of liquor so that he and Mark could celebrate (nothing) and get really drunk in the middle of the day. Mark was all for it so I just had to play the neutral sober party. They pounded a bottle of Captain Morgan in like 30 minutes between the two of them and then had like 4 beers each. They were watching stupid comedy crap on TV while I was in Pat's room playing on modo. Well, silly me, don't leave those two alone. By the time I walked back out there, Pat and Mark smoked like four bowls each and they were both blitzed out of their minds. I was so pissed off at him, but it really wasn't either of theirs faults. Pat didnt pressure him and Mark was just fiending. It's quite depressing but as soon as I saw that I kicked Mark out to the car, figured out REAL directions to get home, and got on the road. Mark's phone started ringing while were driving (meanwhile he's completely knocked the fuck out in my passenger seat). I reach over and try to grab it off his clip (of course his phone is on his right side), but it wasn't working. I'm like "MARK give me your phone" and I grab his hand and move it to his phone to see if he would have a natural reaction and like pull it off. Nope... he was fucking blitzed out of his mind. So I asked again, "MARK give me your phone", and he promptly responded with "My phone number is in english!" I (while driving) just sat there awe struck. I hate that kid sometimes. I dumped him off at his house and rode back to my own to get some sleep. I have to go pick him up from school soon and I know we're going over to Brandon's for dinner because he's cooking up some steaks again. Nikki said she wanted to have us boys over because her, Alyson, and Ally were "lonely". Mmmhhh... this could be a very interesting night. Three of them... three of us... updates to come.
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