May 06, 2004 17:49
Your life ! ! ! !
I look at my life as...: a nonstop ;'*PARTY*'; !!!
I enjoy or not enjoy life becuase...: i ENJOY it because of the variables and possible exploits coinciding with the principles of manipulation!
I live life on the edge or just relax and hang around because...: I live on the edge because i'm a secret agent PARTYIN IT UP 007 STYLE!!
I am lonely or not lonely because...: I am never lonely! Noone'd guess but I prefer to be alone.
I get along with some people because..: kuz we like to PARTY IT UP!
I don't get along with some people because...: kuz they're aNtiSoci@L
I think love is...: a squishy bug! ...tasty.. *drool
I wish love was...: under-rated
I've always wanted...: to PARTAYYYY!
I don't understand why love is...: there
Kissing is...: a $pArk of NRG!!
Hugging is...: g00d f0r y0ur s0ul!
Loving someone is...: bondage! no not like confinement, more like SATO MASOCHISM!! bring the whips n bring the chains BABY!
~*~School~*~ (if you are out of school you may skip this section)
I like school because...: there are stupid people there!
I hate school because...: there are stupid people there!
I have friends that...: like to PARTYYYYYYYYYY
I've always been a good student because...: i'm a dormant party animal!
I've always been a bad student because...: i'm a PARTY ANIMAL!
}}i{{ Your family }}i{{
I love my family becuase...: *cough
I hate my family becuase...: i don't hate my family
I hate it when...: they I$ annoying
I love it when...: nO0one b0therZ me!
We celebrate...: ermmmmm.......
We get along becuase...: its a long term relationship and they won't leave the house.
~~~Your [girl]Friends~~~
You love your friends because...: th3y d0 wh@t I COMMAND *whip* and they LIKE TO PARTY IT UP!!
You are...: a 0nE of a KIND!
When we fight we always...: make up *koff!*OUT*koff!*
When we hang out we always...: play around n flirt n p@|2ty it U|º!!
We are close because...: the testosterone commands us to be
We stay friends becuase...: \/\/e ch00se t0 st@y that way!
A friend I lost was...: not a friend at all
,.'`'.,Some Random Stuff,.'`'.,
Cats are...: SO COOL!
[my] Pickle tastes...: *wink* wouldn't u like to kno
Rainbows are...: a light distortion
Stars seem...: like dots
The moon is..: beat up
The sun is...: scary!
Fog makes me...: curioOos
Rain makes me...: grow
Sunshine: gives me NRG!
Red is the color of: BL()()D! (yay me n alane have the same opinion there)
Blue is the color of...: sadness
Yellow is the color of...: wavelength = 1.08 x 10^23 in the VISIBLE SPECTRUM *dont quote me on that*
Life is just...: a GA/\/\E! by milton bradley