Watchmen Journal #11: Rorschach's Mask :D
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This was debuted on the official
Rorschach Facebook page.
They also had some movie dialogue on there that totally spoilerized the ending. Thankfully they saw sense and have removed it now.
Other official pages are:
Watchmen Facebook Comedian Facebook Dr. Manhattan Facebook NiteOwl II, Silk Spectre II and Ozymandias Facebook pages are all "coming soon".
Apparently there will be exclusive video/content on those pages, so it may well be worth checking them out.
Okay, it's only 25 days to the film's release.
Who's up for getting together and hitting the Cineworld Cinema (Cardiff) on the evening of March 6th to see the film then bouncing to a pub for drinkies afterwards?
Go on, you know you want to! :D