Surprise everybody
Just me doing my seemingly normal just out of the dimly lit periphery and into the lime light... why does it have to be green?... for a brief stir up and even faster departure... though hopefully not this time.
Well it's been a long time since April... 6 months or there abouts... Wow, talk about inconsistency...
** Sums up 6 months in thought **
Not much happening same old same old
Nah, kidding, lots has been happening. Lets see...
First semester of Building design passed without really trying
Work promotion to assistant manager (nice little pay rise there)
Moved house, been out... 2 months now (on K and my yr and a half, coincidental assuredly), nice to be away from the parents, got a bit more room to play around with too which is nice.
... hmm, will have to look over the last 6 months and give you guys something a little more substantial than that drivel lol, still something to wet the pallet and get you ready to read more me in future, I hope...
I know I keep promising, and not delivering, so here it is, once a week at least... Look for me on a tuesday night...
And Finally a welcome to
juliet_bravo, sneaking in on me. I don't know how long you've been reading but welcome (finally).