"Bring them to me raw and wriggling!" Gollum
"Just how I want Frodo!"
tiggrrl "I think Eowyn may be as good a cook as Yoda!"
tiggrrl "Please, eat" Eowyn to Aragorn, after he finishes telling her that he's 87 years old.
"No! I'm not going to make it to 88!"
khanfused "There's another culture that goes bra-less."
khanfused on the elves.
"Yeah, they have anti-gravity boobs."
erisian_fields"I gotta get me some of those!"
aleeceh artistic_chaos during Warg battle scene: "I can't help but hear Star Wars music."
After Aragorn gets rescued by the smartest horse ever: "Still not King. However, I am riding Mr. Ed."
artistic_chaos Much unrepeatable discussion about whether Galadriel's age and ability to read minds would translate to better sex.
(Faramir) "Who are you?"
"We are not the Hobbits you're looking for!" Several people
"My name is Faramir of Gondor, you killed my brother, prepare to die!"
"Someone already did that one."
"That was twelve hours ago!"
"Aren't Gondors almost extinct?"
artistic_chaos(Massive groan from all conscious people.)
"Why is he touching the blade?!"
darkmoon (about Aragorn before Helm's Deep)
"Who cares? In a little while it's going to be covered in blood."
tiggrrl"It's going to be covered in bees! And by "bees" I mean blood."
darkmoon"Sierra wins the random award!"
aleeceh (Uruk-Hai makes screaming noise.)
"What's Chewbacca doing there?"
bridgeweaver"That was an Uruk-Hai."
darkmoon, mangling pronunciation
bridgeweaver Much discussion about the immortality of elves.
"They aren't Immortal so much as indefinite."
darkmoon"Because if they were immortal you'd have to cut off their heads."
aleeceh"And there could be only one."
darkmoon As Ents start walking towards Isengard,
darkmoon begins the Imperial March.
"Fat hobbitses, coming to eat the baby!"
artistic_chaosFor the record, there have also been Nazgul, dark side, Wormtongue, Jedi, Cthulu, and, of course, plane snakes 'coming to eat the baby' over the course of the viewing.
"Are we there yet?"
aleeceh"Don't make me turn this movie marathon around!"
artistic_chaos"Oh god no!"