How to Treat a Crocodile

Jul 05, 2010 21:55

Title: How to Treat a Crocodile
Fandom: One Piece
Characters/Pairings: DoflamingoxCrocodile
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 10,033
Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or any of its characters.
Warnings/Notes: Written for the anon-meme over here. (It's the second fill.) Set an unspecified time before Arabasta. General warnings for sex/oral, booze and Crocodile being a fussy bitch.


This town was boring. Scratch that, it was intolerable.

Although Doflamingo had no issues with walking for hours on end on a physical level, or even on the basis of laziness, he found the lack of stimulation unbearable. Traipsing around stuffy little market stalls and through crowded bazaars full of crap he could easily get brought to him (if he even wanted it, which for the most part, he didn't) was far from his idea of fun. His idea of fun was currently inside a tent a few dozen metres down the street, completely unaware of his presence.

Which was the whole reason he was here. Following Crocodile had led him to this place, and he was currently keeping his head down whilst attempting to figure out just why the other Shichibukai had come in the first place. The man was obviously up to something, they all were. But Doflamingo was nosey enough to want to find out what, or was. Frankly he was beginning to get bored of trying find to out what he was after. Crocodile was obviously a more patient person than he was. Or he just had a good incentive.

Right now he was just waiting for the woman that had been following Crocodile since they'd disembarked to get out of the way and allow him to make his move. Even a toilet break would be enough for him to divert Crocodile and get both of them out of her sights, but she wasn't budging. He couldn't even get away with using his abilities to remove her; Crocodile would spot it in an instant. Besides, he'd rather not cause a scene in a crowded place if he had the choice.

Fast growing tired of picking through trash on the stall he was currently standing next to, Doflamingo stepped back a safe distance until he was comfortably nestled in an alcove and waited for Crocodile to emerge from the tent with the woman. She seemed familiar, but he couldn't pin it down.

Robert or something... wait, that was a man's name. Whatever.

Before long they did emerge from the tent however, prompting Doflamingo to shuffle further back into his alcove. Even he knew he'd stand out if they looked around too carefully, since as busy as it was here, there was not getting around the fact that he was wearing a big pink coat. Crocodile's expression seemed more sour than usual on exiting the tent. As for the woman, well, as far as Doflamingo could recall, she always looked like that.

At his stand point, Doflamingo watched an exchange between the two, raising an eyebrow as Crocodile's hair dropped in front of his face. He couldn't hear him shouting, but he seemed to be frustrated about something. It didn't continue for long; lucky for Doflamingo, they parted a few minutes later, leaving him to back up further into his hiding place as the woman walked by. And winked at him.

He was too concerned with catching up with Crocodile, who'd headed off in the other direction, to question the gesture. If she wasn't going to get in the way, he didn't care.

Picking his way through the waves of people, most of which barely topped his waist, Doflamingo pursued Crocodile a while longer, taking care to look for a good opening. He didn't end up revealing himself until he decided to follow him into a quiet tobacconist. The moment he opened the door, the smell of fermented tobacco hit his face hard enough to make him recoil a little before he adjusted and ducked into the shop.

The moment Doflamingo entered, Crocodile glanced over at the door, and was forced to do a double take at the towering man in pink whose mere presence left him feeling cramped in the low-ceilinged room. There was a tense pause, during which Crocodile carefully set a box of premium cigars down, and Doflamingo advanced towards him. Long strides soon had him standing right behind Crocodile, peering over his shoulder oppressively.

In such a small space, Crocodile knew better than to attack him, and Doflamingo was all too well aware of that. It probably helped that they were surrounded by expensive cigars and a plethora of other fine products he'd be reluctant to destroy too.

Leaning in further, Doflamingo's persisting smile widened as he looked over Crocodile's shoulder at the box of cigars he'd put down.

“You like these?” He asked, already fingering his own wallet through his trouser pocket. “Ufufufufu... Still have expensive tastes, I see Crocodile.”

“What the hell are you doing here, bastard?” Crocodile hissed, not exactly falling over himself with the desire to let other people know of their association.

“Was bored,” Doflamingo sighed, telling the truth despite the fact that his tone made it almost impossible to tell. Crocodile seemed to be convinced by the explanation; even if he did huff and roll his eyes, turning his attention back to the cigars moments later.

“I'm not here to entertain you. Go away,” Crocodile retorted. Refusing to even acknowledge Doflamingo's presence by looking at him, he picked up the box of cigars and carefully turned it over, beginning to read the back.

Simply responding with a quick trilling hum, Doflamingo looked around the store, scowling a little at the objects - at his level, obstacles - hanging from the ceiling and wrinkling his nose. “Sheesh, never thought I'd find you in a dump like this.”

Since, as expected, he got no answer beyond an increasing look of discomfort on Crocodile's face, Doflamingo occupied himself with poking around the store, sticking close to his back the entire time. Alcohol interested him more than the tobacco products on sale, so he soon was picking over bottles whilst waiting for Crocodile's next move. It seemed as though he was attempting to wait him out, but that couldn't last long. In this situation they both knew who had the upper hand if it came to waiting. When Crocodile finally decided to give in and call over an assistant to pay for his purchase, Doflamingo swooped in.

“Let me cover that, Crocodile.”

“I can pay for myself, bastard. Last thing I need is to owe you a favour,” grumbled Crocodile, ducking away from Doflamingo's long arms as they reached around him for the box of cigars he was holding.

“It's not a favour if I give them to you as a gift,” he pointed out, the feathers on his jacket rustling with his movement.

“I don't want a gift from you!” Crocodile snapped back, batting away a set of long fingers.

Undeterred by the refusal, Doflamingo made another move to take the box whilst his spare hand reached into his pocket for his wallet. “But I want to treat you, Croc.”

“Don't you dare call me that, you stupid avian menace. Get out of my sight.” Rapping Doflamingo hard across the knuckles with his hook, Crocodile made an attempt to turn to the clerk. He was promptly grabbed across the chest by a long arm and pulled back as Doflamingo flipped open his wallet one-handed and reached out for the clerk.

“I'll cover it!”

“Like hell you will!”

Confronted by a tall man, and an even taller, looming, pink creature of a man, the unfortunate clerk could only watch as they bickered.

And as the former seemed to melt into grains of sand to evade the other's hold.

“And I'll take a box of that, while I'm here,” Doflamingo asked, pointing up at a liquor bottle on the shelf. “Third from the right.”

The clerk didn't even bother to question the unusual order; it wasn't everyday that someone came in to buy an entire box of one of the most expensive drinks they sold, but he didn't usually see a man melt into sand in front of his eyes either. Nodding, he accepted the wad of notes thrust into his hand and left the pair to struggle whilst he fetched a box.

Doflamingo wore a smug grin as he watched the clerk go. Reaching down, he caught Crocodile's hook in the undulating mass of sand in front of him.

“Too late, Croc.”

“You bastard, why would you need so much damn alcohol as well?” Reforming into something more solid, Crocodile snatched his hook from the hold. After giving the now-bought box of cigars a weary look, he glanced up at Doflamingo and scowled deeper when he noticed how pleased he looked.

“We'll need that much if we're going to have fun together, right?”

“Like I'm going to drink with you!”

“I'm sure you will, Croc.” Bending his knees until he was squatting at Crocodile's eye level, Doflamingo pocketed his wallet and reached up to pull his glasses down just for long enough to direct him a wink. “You can be a lot of fun.”

“The only fun you're having is with your hand in an empty room.”

“We'll see about that.” The constant rejection did nothing to deter Doflamingo. If anything, it just made him worse. Had Crocodile given in at the mention of a gift and dropped into his arms as fast as a street-walking whore, he might already be bored. Breaking him down with sheer persistence was far more entertaining, and in the long run, satisfying as well. Straightening up, he made sure to keep himself positioned just within Crocodile's perimeter of personal space, much to the man's annoyance. Every time he so much as shuffled to the side to look at something whilst he waited for the clerk - he didn't even know why he was waiting for crying out loud, it wasn't his alcohol he was fetching - Doflamingo was stuck to his back.

By the time that Crocodile had come to the conclusion that he didn't have to wait here, the clerk came stumbling back under the weight of a heavy box. Glass bottles rattled as Doflamingo reached down to him and took the box off his hands with ease. Thanking the man, he reached around Crocodile's shoulders and started to head out of the shop, laughing loudly when the back of his hook struck the inside of his elbow.

“Hands off, buzzard.”

“Ah, you know how to use that, don't you Croc?” Doflamingo countered in a complimentary tone, trotting after Crocodile down the street. It didn't seem to matter that he had considerably longer legs; when Crocodile was in a rush to get away, he could move fast enough to do so and still maintain a dignified air about himself.

This continued for a few minutes longer before Crocodile slowed down and turned to approach a fountain, ignoring Doflamingo as he went to sit on a bench nearby. He continued to block out the clatter of glass bottles as Doflamingo sat down beside him, and the ridiculous sight of his knees bending far too high in his low seat. Instead, he preoccupied himself by pulling out a fresh cigar from the box and lighting up, taking a long draw as he tried to formulate a plan to shake off his annoying... courtier.

“Are those to your taste, Crocodile?” Leaning in far too close for comfort, Doflamingo peered at Crocodile and smiled wider at the deepening scowl on his face.

“Your presence could make anything taste like cheap trash.”

“And yours would make the cheapest, pissiest beer taste divine, I'm sure,” Doflamingo countered back with a low chuckle. “So I'm really looking forward to drinking this with you.” He patted the box that he'd set on the ground beside him for emphasis.

“I told you, that isn't happening.”

“Sure? I know you have expensive tastes, but it is good.” Shifting closer up the bench until his thigh brushed up against Crocodile's, Doflamingo reached up to run his fingers over his shoulders through the thick layer of fur draped over them. “You look like you've had a bad day and could use a chance to unwind, if you don't mind me saying so.”

Rolling his eyes at the cloying tone, Crocodile just made to bat his hand away with his hook. Rather than having the desired effect, it just diverted Doflamingo's affectionate touches to his hair, and he soon felt long fingers passing through the strands at the back of his neck. Perhaps it did feel somewhat pleasant, but he didn't dwell on it. With an irritated growl, he snatched his cigar from his lips and reached around in an attempt to stub it on the back of Doflamingo's hand. Even with his speed, the attack was of course still dodged. His pursuer was far too good at reading him. The few hits Crocodile did get in were simply given in an attempt to placate him.

“That could have scarred,” Doflamingo commented, drumming his fingers on Crocodile's opposite shoulder now. “You really are having a bad day.”

“That's your fault.” Returning his cigar to his lips, Crocodile crossed his legs and looked over to Doflamingo. He tried, and failed, to shrug off the hand on his shoulder, but didn't put in any more effort, not wishing to compromise his dignity. Or what little he had left. “What is the quickest way of removing you from my presence?”

“Ah, but I don't want to leave you so soon. I enjoy it.”

“I,” Crocodile started, “am busy. I do not have time for this.”

“You're sitting in front of a fountain smoking a cigar. Sorry Croc, but that does not constitute as busy in my books,” Doflamingo pointed out, giving his shoulder what was probably intended to be a reassuring squeeze. “Surely you have enough free time to come back to a nice hotel with me? I'll even pay.”

By now, Doflamingo was on the verge of hugging Crocodile to his chest he was so close to him. Even through the thick fur of his coat, Crocodile felt his fingers twitch with the temptation of pulling him into his chest.

“Didn't I tell you 'hands off'?”

“Must I?” Pulling Crocodile closer with the arm around his shoulder, Doflamingo pressed their cheeks together, the action clingy even by his standards. He didn't flinch when the hard back of Crocodile's hook struck him repeatedly on the head; he'd have received the point if Crocodile had truly been serious. “Come on, there's no better way of unwinding after long day, ufufu. You know you'd enjoy it too.”

“No.” Crocodile sank further into the mass of feathers that was Doflamingo's jacket. “Let me go, or I'll leave myself.” As he spoke, sand grains already began to lift up from between Doflamingo's fingers.

“I could toss you in the fountain...” Doflamingo suggested, his tone seeming reluctant, if only jokingly so.

“You wouldn't dare.”

“I don't know, you look pretty sexy when your hair gets messed up.”

“Shut up.” With skill that could only be achieved by considerable past practise, Crocodile squirmed out of Doflamingo's hold and got off the bench, spinning on his heel to point his hook at him. “Don't even think about it.”

Watching Doflamingo getting up from the bench, Crocodile couldn't help but think of a deck chair unfolding as he straightened up to his full height, but he kept the thought to himself. To avoid the long arms reaching out for him, he took several steps back, glancing across to the fountain for a split second. It would be easy for Doflamingo to pick him up and toss him in. If he was fast enough.

Sand grains started to bounce off Crocodile's clothes as he started to melt into his element, just on the edge of retaining his human shape now. “Just try it, and I'll suck you dry.”

Stuck at a stalemate, Doflamingo reached up and scratched his head, trying to think of a way out of it. If he made to grab Crocodile now, his hands would just pass through him. More sand started to drift on the floor between them. Of course, as much as he was entertained by Crocodile, and as much as he liked him, there was no getting around the fact that he had quite the capacity for violence.

“Hey hey, you don't need to attack me do you?”

“If it will get you off my tail,” Crocodile responded with a smirk, extending his fingers. “Maybe another time, flamingo-bastard.”

About to come up with another line to coax Crocodile into giving in, Doflamingo opened his mouth only to be interrupted by a low rumble of thunder overhead. He turned his head skywards, a fat raindrop landing on his sunglasses. Another rumble shook the air and the one drop became thousands, turning to a heavy rain in moments.

Caught out in the open like this, Crocodile had no chance to avoid the downpour and the sand that had been spreading out from his body crumbled. His hair was soon heavy with water, and a strand dropped down in front of his face, dripping water down his front. The confident smirk was washed away by the water to leave him with a just a hint of despair. As the rain fell on the end of his cigar, it spat angrily, and was soon reduced to a sodden lump that he had no choice but to spit out.

“Ufufufu! Even the heavens agree with me, Croc!” Laughing uproariously as rain pelted down, Doflamingo's smile had stretched out to a wide grin. Even though his own coat was soaking up the torrent like a lurid sponge, he extended his own arms up to the sky and crowed in delight. “You can't blame me for the weather, ufufufufuu!”

Crocodile's expression darkened as Doflamingo strutted across to him, and he looked down at his own hand and hook, watching droplets roll off flesh and metal alike. The coincidence of rain breaking out at just the right moment (for Doflamingo) was disgusting, but it was hardly as if he had control of the weather.

Fully solidified, Crocodile had little choice in being hoisted over Doflamingo's shoulder, the large man whooping in delight at his luck. The box jingled as it was lifted up over his other shoulder in much the same fashion, the bottles rattling with each step. Doflamingo's wide gait hardly made for the most comfortable ride, and Crocodile made a half-hearted swing at his back as he was bounced against the soggy feather coat. “Put me down, bastard.”

“Ufufufu, no. You'll sneak away.”

There was a short pause in which Crocodile was probably attempting to discreetly squirm out of his grip, but without any success. “... Then at least take smaller steps.”


Though he only got a brief grunt to confirmation his question, Doflamingo did slow down somewhat with the shorter strides he took, much to Crocodile's relief. Whilst his own mood was quite poor, if Doflamingo was in a good one, it might not be such a bad situation. Perhaps even one he could take advantage of.

“You better be taking me to a good hotel, birdbrain,” Crocodile warned, trying his level best to ignore the odd looks they were getting from passers-by. This was so undignified; he felt like he was being hauled like a carcass on a hunter's back. Which aside from him still being very much alive, wasn't far from the truth.

“Only the best for you, eh? Fufu,” Tilting his head back, Doflamingo caught a couple of raindrops on his tongue. “Of course I will Croc.”

“And you better order a good room.”

“You want a king size bed?”

“If you are going to a decent hotel, they should at least do emperor. I'm not staying in a dump that won't.” Doflamingo could feel Crocodile moving his arms at this point, but he was almost certain it was only so he could cross them in a disapproving manner. “Besides, you're too big to share a king with, buzzard.”

“Ufufufu, you never said you wanted to share. Warming up to me already Croc?”

“If you can deliver. Besides, if I don't have a choice in the matter then I'm at least going to make sure you treat me properly.”

Amused by Crocodile's demands, but not put off by them, Doflamingo chuckled in the back of his throat, the noise coming out in a birdlike manner. “Any other requests then?”

“En-suite bathroom. With warm towels.”



“Nn.” Crocodile tilted his head back into the towel rubbing at his hair, closing his eyes as he let Doflamingo dry him off. After snapping at him to be gentle, Crocodile was pleasantly surprised to find that he'd taken it to heart, even handing him a glass of brandy to drink in the meantime.

Since entering the hotel, Doflamingo had promptly hired them a room - taking full advantage of his position to sway the receptionist into giving him a room on short notice - and carried Crocodile up to it, not setting him down until they entered. The box was carried up by a bellboy. He'd promptly stripped out of his own jacket and hung it up to dry before seeing to Crocodile, helping him out of his shoes and wet clothes.

“Say when.”

Crocodile just returned the slightest nod in response, content to let Doflamingo continue. Currently, he was lying across the larger man's lap with his shoulders propped up against his chest, dressed in a clean white robe whilst his normal clothes were away being dried. A fresh cigar held between his teeth billowed smoke up to the ceiling. Whilst Doflamingo patted his damp hair dry with a large fluffy towel, he'd taken the time to look around the room. The quality was more than satisfying for him, and the bed was both large and comfortable. The room itself was massive and high-ceilinged, with lavish decoration. Even he had to admit that Doflamingo was trying hard for him this time. He wondered why on earth the man bothered to go to such lengths, though he knew that when it came down to it, this was just some kind of bizarre game for him. And whilst Crocodile didn't know the exact details of his dealings, he knew enough to know that this was unlikely to dent his wallet too badly.

Long fingers combed through his drying hair slowly before being followed by the towel again. If this was a game, it was undeniable that he was the prize, of sorts. Agreeing to this was going to only serve to make Doflamingo's ego worse by enforcing his rather misled belief that he was any good at seduction, but perhaps there was at least some truth in that however, since Crocodile was already sprawled across his lap like some kind of spoilt pet.

Opening his eyes, Crocodile drained his glass and tilted his head forwards to let Doflamingo finish drying the hair at the back of his neck. When he was satisfied that it was done, Crocodile leant back against him and tapped his hook against his glass in request for a refill.

“That's enough.” Holding up his glass, Crocodile looked over his shoulder and up at Doflamingo, their smirks mirroring each other. The open bottle of brandy was retrieved from the bedside table, Doflamingo being all too eager to refill his glass. When he made to take a swig from the bottle himself, Crocodile was quick to smack him over the leg with his hook. “Use a glass.”

“That's practically a shot to me,” Doflamingo pointed out in a put out tone. He leant in to rest his chin on Crocodile's shoulder.

“... Then use a fresh bottle.”

“So much for the spirit of sharing, fufu.” Despite his complaint, Doflamingo reached over for another bottle, managing to shift the other in his fingers so he could open it.

“I don't want your spitback in my drink.”

“Ufufufuu, really? You'll be getting it soon enough you know.” After taking a very generous swig from the bottle, Doflamingo put both back on the table and resumed his position on Crocodile's shoulder, reaching around him with his free arm. Though the affection irritated Crocodile earlier, now they were tucked away in a private place, and more importantly, he was getting what he wanted, he tolerated it.

“It'd spoil the taste.” Taking a long draw from his cigar, Crocodile turned his head to blow the smoke out into his face.

Not bothered by the rude gesture, Doflamingo just reached through the cloud of smoke to cup Crocodile's chin. Holding his head in place, he snatched the cigar from between his lips and captured them with his own. Crocodile immediately produced a muffled noise of complaint, but it wasn't heeded; Doflamingo held him to the kiss until he stopped resisting. When he did appear to give in, it was only for the opportunity to tease him, Crocodile parting his lips for his larger intrusive tongue and grazing his own against it. He felt Doflamingo's body tense up against his back in undisguised excitement at his response and it was then that he decided to pull back before he was pushed too far. Ignoring the whine of disappointment, he took another draw of his cigar and leant back.

“You'll be more satisfied in the end if you are patient,” Crocodile murmured as Doflamingo's fingers petted along his neck.

Despite knowing Crocodile was right - the way he'd broken the kiss only increased his desires - Doflamingo couldn't keep his fingers from his body. His fingers brushed over the belt of Crocodile's robe, but promptly got interrupted by “Ashtray.”. He caught the falling wad of ash with the ashtray just in time.

“You are so spoilt.”

“And who is spoiling me, may I ask?” Turning his head to look at Doflamingo, Crocodile flashed him a smug smirk as he put the ashtray back and went for another swig of alcohol.

“You adjust very well, Croc. Ufufufu, like a princess even,” Doflamingo clucked in an amused manner, before receiving in elbow to the gut.

“Birdbrain.” Crocodile leant away from Doflamingo's roaming lips with a bored sigh, and lifted his glass. “Make yourself useful and top me off.”

“Of course.” Retrieving the other bottle, Doflamingo obliged the demand generously. “Going to need to get a lot more of this into you I see.”

“I'm not losing my control so easily.”

“Not even if I join you? At least have enough to enjoy yourself, Croc,” urged Doflamingo, squeezing his waist with his spare arm. He put the bottle back and picked up his own, keeping hold of it as he took periodic swigs.

Between them, they easily made it through the majority of the box. Even with his more reserved attitude, Crocodile was buzzed enough to put up with the increasingly frequent advances of Doflamingo's hands, even lifting his leg in invitation for a few seconds when a large hard pushed up his robe. When he looked around to check on him, Crocodile was somewhat surprised to find that it was immediately apparent that he was further gone, a slight blush already tingeing at his cheeks.

“I take it that it does taste better around me then,” Crocodile said, starting to shift around in Doflamingo's lap and face him. “You're already drunk, aren't you?”

“Perhaps, fufu.” Doflamingo shrugged his shoulders and grinned. “It is certainly hard to resist when I'm around you, Croc.”

Rolling his eyes at the comment, Crocodile just pulled the cigar stub from between his teeth and beckoned for the ashtray, depositing it on the rim when it was offered. By now he'd turned almost completely in Doflamingo's hold, leaning back against the arm wrapped around his waist. He raised his gaze to the garish sunglasses the man wore and bent his leg up to lift the robe until it barely covered him. Though he couldn't see Doflamingo's eyes through the tinted glass, Crocodile was sure that they had just flicked down. The tension in the man's cheeks was a dead give away. Leaning forwards - pushing the robe ever-so-slightly further up - Crocodile gestured to the glasses with his hook. “Are you going to take those ridiculous things off?”

“These? Don't you like an air of mystery?” Reaching up, Doflamingo touched the arm of his glasses for a moment, before pulling them off.

“I like to be able to see where your eyes are going. Besides, they're too ridiculous.” Crocodile's face remained impassive upon finally getting a direct view of the other man's eyes even though he felt his stomach jump. He waited for the couple of seconds it took for Doflamingo to place his glasses on the bedside table before catching his gaze and bringing his bent leg down so he was straddling his lap. This time Doflamingo's attention shifted down to his hips was undisguised, not that this was a revelation for Crocodile.

“Friendly aren't you?” Jumping on the chance that had literally landed in his lap, Doflamingo reached straight for Crocodile's hips, pulling him closer with a devious chuckle. “Going to let me have a kiss, ufufufu?”

“You'd just take it in any case. Again.”

“You seemed to be enjoying it last time, or were you just playing with me?” Crocodile raised an eyebrow at that statement, a little surprised that Doflamingo would approach it so directly. In the pause, Doflamingo reached over to snatch a fresh bottle of liquor from the bedside table and unscrewed the top with his teeth, spitting the cap out off the side of the bed. Before Crocodile had a chance to react, Doflamingo's other hand moved from his hip to pull the front of his robe open. A low gasp of surprise was forced out of his chest as he was pushed backwards against the mattress. His instant reaction was to resort to using his ability, but the look on Doflamingo's face made him hesitate. “Going to escape, Crocodile?”

“What are you going to do?” He'd expected it to be easier to anticipate Doflamingo's actions when he could see his eyes. It seemed that the man was as unpredictable as ever.

“Mmm, I could ask the same of you. You never act this nice unless you're intending to make a break for it,” he commented, taking a swig of the bottle.

“You think I'm going to run?” Well, it wasn't far from the truth. As much has he'd enjoyed being tended to by the other man, Crocodile had already been considering his options on that front. But it was only a consideration. A part of him, not entirely created by the effects of alcohol, still wanted to stay.

“Were you?”

“Depends how you behave.” Crocodile curled his nose as he felt his knees being pushed apart by Doflamingo's hips. Whilst he was barely covered now, Doflamingo was still in his shirt and trousers.


“Get off me first.”

“Ah, but I want to see how good you make this taste,” Doflamingo said as he waggled the bottle. “I've been looking forward to it.”

“What are you o-” Hissing as cool, and more unpleasantly for him, wet, liquor splashed onto his chest, Crocodile instantly tried to move away, but was stopped by a hand pinning his shoulder down. He knew that partly, this was to stop him from using his ability to escape as the alcohol ran over his skin. “Bastard!”

Doflamingo didn't grant him a response other than licking his lips and grinning before descending upon his body. He held the bottle steady as he dove in to lick the spilt alcohol from Crocodile's skin, his tongue dipping into the curves of muscle. Occasionally, to Crocodile's horror, he even made the odd slurping sound. What made it worse was that the warmth of his lapping tongue and lips actually felt good. Once the vast majority of the alcohol had been cleaned off his torso, Doflamingo seemed to slow down, releasing his shoulder and running his palm down his side inside the robe. His mouth roamed back up to his chest to pay more detailed attention, roughly plucking at Crocodile's nipples with his lips.

Under the thorough attention, Crocodile soon found himself growing short of breath and the rest of his body wasn't far behind. He could already feel Doflamingo's erection jutting against his thigh through a layer of fabric. After the lounging around, the sudden escalation was proving difficult for Crocodile to keep up with, especially with Doflamingo seeming to be determined to drive him to the point of distraction through the use of his mouth alone, leaving him arching up towards the tongue, barely holding back needful whines that threatened to erupt past his lips. Both his arms reached up around Doflamingo's back, the tip of his hook scratching against his scalp.

Propping himself up on one arm, Doflamingo wobbled a little before finding his balance, looking down at Crocodile proudly. He opened his mouth to speak, but was immediately cut-short when Crocodile hooked his arm and pulled it out from under him. A well-placed shove had him rolling onto his back on the other side of the bed, Crocodile crawling onto him before he had a chance to right himself.

By now, his robe had fallen open entirely. Doflamingo's eyes fell unashamedly to Crocodile's arousal, but his hand was batted away again.

“See something you like, birdbrain?” Leaning forwards, Crocodile slipped his hook in the neck of Doflamingo's shirt, and with a skilful flick, pulled it down his front, ripping off every single button holding it in place. Rather than complaining, Doflamingo chuckled like an idiot, his laughter slurred by alcohol.

Inching back down Doflamingo's body, Crocodile took extra care to agitate the bulge in the front of his trousers; the strained gasp he got from his captor-come-victim far too pleasing to pass up. Once he was straddling Doflamingo's knees, he looked up to get his attention before lightly tapping his hook against his belt. Whilst Crocodile knew he could open Doflamingo's trousers one-handed without too much effort (as a matter of fact, he could adapt to do most things) he still preferred not to risk his dignity with awkward fumbling. And of course, if he had any excuse to order him around, he was going to take full advantage of it.

Doflamingo didn't question Crocodile's intentions in his rush to follow the silent order, his long fingers picking his top button open with surprising elegance for someone in his condition. He'd propped himself up on his elbows to pull down his zipper, but Crocodile pushed him back when he looked up expectantly.

“Really, Croc?” Lifting his head, Doflamingo peered down his body at the man perched in his lap. It really did seem like Crocodile was intending to wilfully keep going as, much to Doflamingo's surprise, he pulled his trousers and underwear down his thighs to free his arousal. It was a rarity to get anything out of him, and even at this point he still expected Crocodile to float out the room as a cloud of sand at the very last moment.

Nodding slowly at the question, Crocodile moved back even further down his legs. His mouth contorted into a lopsided grin as he reached forwards and ran the inner curve of his hook up the length of his shaft. Its touch of cool metal drew a soft hiss out of Doflamingo, but he didn't flinch at the idea of such a dangerous instrument being so close to such a treasured part of his body.

Whether or not this was out of trust, it was unclear. Distraction seemed to play a greater role whilst he looked on, frozen in place as Crocodile's fingers curled around the base of his shaft. Sight more than touch drew the first low groan from Doflamingo when his tongue made contact with the tip of his erection, though a firm squeeze at the base drew out a louder sound. Utter lack of restraint and a sense of disbelief for the situation in Doflamingo guaranteed Crocodile an encouraging variety of noises for everything he did. As he ran his tongue down the side of his shaft, he peered up from under hooded eyes, smirking with amusement at how easily ruffled the large man was. Though he imagined that the volume of alcohol he'd just consumed was likely a major contributor, even if he tended have fairly low inhibitions in the first place.

Moving his hook to the mattress to steady himself, Crocodile lifted his head back up whilst pressing his tongue firm against a vein. He gave no warning to Doflamingo before parting his lips and forcing the swollen head of his cock into his mouth so suddenly that the sound he drew out of the man was more a squawk than a moan.

With nothing better to do with his hands, Doflamingo just gripped at the sheets. He quickly became short of breath as Crocodile took him further in, and hissed out a few choice expletives as he felt his tongue rubbing against every sensitive spot he had. As he felt the tip of his length meet the back of Crocodile's mouth, Doflamingo soon traded in the words for more flattering comments, murmuring praise between moans of pleasure.

As he began to bob his head with a smooth glide aided by saliva, Crocodile's normally neat hair started to fall forward from its swept-back position, the strands brushing at Doflamingo's thighs as he moved. Every now and then he'd look up, not to check up (Doflamingo made more than enough noise to make it clear what he liked) but to tease, meeting his eyes directly as he let his mouth slowly slide down his cock. He was hardly in a position to smirk, though the slight narrowing of his eyes indicated it; Doflamingo's exuberant reaction amused him no end.

On the other hand, Doflamingo himself did not care whether he was a subject of comedy for Crocodile or not. If it was the price for a rare blowjob from the man, with a semblance of enthusiasm at that, then he was more than willing to pay up. Enthusiasm was all the difference and this was making many of their previous encounters pale in comparison. Having Crocodile meet his eyes with an emotion other than disdain, feeling his tongue rubbing him in just the right places, having his hand stroke whatever his mouth couldn't contain, every little extra thing counted towards pushing Doflamingo closer to release.

With the kind of treatment he was receiving, it wasn't long before Doflamingo's hips were shuddering underneath Crocodile and giving him ample warming of his imminent release. When he finally came with a burst of semen that flooded Crocodile's mouth, he could just about be heard uttering his name breathlessly. Heavy panting had extracted much of the volume from his voice; not that it was a bad thing, at least from Crocodile's point of view. Face hidden behind his fallen hair, he swallowed Doflamingo's release in silence and tensed a little when a large hand came to rest on his shoulder.

With a loving care that was rarely associated with him, Doflamingo pushed Crocodile's hair back; perhaps not into its original neat arrangement, but enough to stop it clinging to his face. He was still very much out of breath, but still insisted upon hauling Crocodile's body back up the mattress. Whilst he caught his breath back, he occupied his hands with tracing over the contours of his body. Despite tolerating the attention without complaint - frankly it felt rather good, and those hands were beginning to travel down - Crocodile didn't return it at first.

“What got into you, eh?” Doflamingo asked, leaning up onto one elbow to kiss a bare shoulder.

“I... don't like to leave debts,” Crocodile replied. “You'd be hounding me for those cigars for weeks otherwise.”

“Elusive as ever.” Tilting his head, Doflamingo began to lay kisses, each one sloppier and more eager than the last, up Crocodile's shoulder until he could whisper into his ear: “That didn't feel like a compensation blowjob to me, Croc. And trust me, I would know.”

“Cocky flamingo-bastard. Just take my words at face value for once.”

“Ufufufu, you don't need to worry about the cigars. They're a gift, a gift!” Flapping his hand to usher Crocodile into silence, Doflamingo pulled Crocodile closer to himself with an arm looped around his waist. “If I took your words at face value, we'd never have any fun.”

“Your idea of fun is a rather twisted reflection on reality, flamingo,” Crocodile growled out, turning his head to continue berating the man latched onto him but getting interrupted by a kiss that was probably wetter than he would have liked.

Pulling back, Doflamingo let his tongue flick out to lick Crocodile's taste from his own lips, mixed in with a definite tinge of brandy and his own flavours. His hands reached up and began to work the loose robe off Crocodile's shoulders, soon removing it from him with minimal fumbling about his hook. Somewhere along the line, he divested himself of his own trousers as well. Despite the frankly lazy smack of complain he got from Crocodile's hook, he kept going, letting his long fingers slide down his sides to his hips. “But you still need some... shall I say, 'special attention', Croc.”

There was no room for argument with him as he crawled over Crocodile. Large hands swept over the planes of his body, running up thighs and across hips until he held the man's arousal loosely in one hand. Propping himself up on one elbow, Crocodile flicked his attention down to it before glaring up.

“Did I invite you?”

“You're blushing,” Doflamingo said with a snicker, leaning down to kiss his chin. His height had him literally hunched over Crocodile's form, which was far from comfortable, but he didn't seem to mind it. “And you're not trying to stop me, are you? I don't think you're too drunk to, either.”

All he got was a disgruntled noise in response at first; after a hesitant pause, Crocodile reached up to wrap his arm around his back, letting the hook rest at the base of his neck. In return, Doflamingo gave him another sloppy kiss and tightened his fingers around his length, beginning to pump him without further teasing. Restrained as ever, Crocodile bit down on his lip and shuddered at the attention on his long-neglected arousal. There was a slight element of unpredictability in Doflamingo's movements thanks to his alcohol-induced buzz. He wasn't a roaring drunk, but he would often change the speed or his grip, making for a pleasing array of sensations.

As he progressed, Crocodile's desire began to conflict more with his pride, one demanding that he drag Doflamingo down and the other insisting he shove him away. Seemingly unaware of the state of affairs, Doflamingo was content to explore his upper body with his mouth, kissing over bare skin and grazing his teeth over sensitive nipples.

Eventually desire won out.

“That all you're going to do, stingy vulture?” Didn't mean he couldn't ask in a way that preserved pride.

“Ufufufufu, what do you want?”

“Get off me and sit down.” Commanding as ever, Crocodile just stared up at Doflamingo. His intention was clear enough, and with a flamboyant sway, Doflamingo obeyed, pulling back and falling to his ass with a bounce on the mattress.

Sitting up, Crocodile smoothed back his hair and resumed his place in Doflamingo's lap, this time opting to straddle his thighs and face him properly. A withering look silenced Doflamingo temporarily. It was a stark contrast to Crocodile's other actions; he leant forwards and hung onto Doflamingo's neck with his hook, letting his own weight pull him down. Their faces level, Crocodile tilted his head to kiss the corner of his mouth, lingering for a moment and letting his eyes slip shut for a few seconds. It was a rarity that he would ever let his guard down, especially in front of someone as untrustworthy as Doflamingo.

Bemused by the unexpected gesture, Doflamingo froze for a moment, eyes flicking down to Crocodile's face in confusion. Perhaps when they were younger, he wouldn't have been so surprised by the small - and brief, as he was already pulling back - display of affection, but it was almost unheard of these days. He allowed Crocodile to take hold of his hand and pull it to his lips, unfolding his fingers with his thumb.

“Open.” Crocodile met his eyes for the brief moment he issued the demand, smirking a little when Doflamingo obeyed and took his own fingers into his mouth. “You were never this well behaved before.”

Unable to respond around the fingers, Doflamingo just curled his tongue around them and directed Crocodile an entirely indecent look. Sealing his lips around the digits, he maintained eye contact as he dropped his head and slowly engulfed them, intentionally producing an obscene moan in the back of his throat. Though he was experienced in the sneaky tactics Doflamingo could employ, Crocodile still found himself swallowing at the display. He let go of his hand before saliva managed to dribble down to his own.

It wasn't long after that Doflamingo plucked his fingers from his mouth with a loud 'pop'. His spare hand reached down to pull Crocodile's hips closer to himself and bring their fronts flush together.

“I don't need to force the willing, do I? Though I'm surprised you didn't try to milk more out of me.” Saliva coated fingers slipped down past the cleft of Crocodile's ass and parted the cheeks. “You know I'd put my mouth anywhere for you.”

“Hn. I don't doubt that.” Content to let Doflamingo support his weight, Crocodile leant forwards into his chest. Though it could be interpreted as needy, he could easily do it with an air that just made it seem like he was using Doflamingo, which was pretty much the only excuse he had left to convince himself with. His breathing hitched as a slippery finger pushed into him, working tight muscles loose and being promptly followed by a second. The pair thrust in knuckle-deep, the long fingers brushing against his prostate and drawing out another small noise.

There was no doubt that Doflamingo was enjoying the vision in front of him immensely as he reached up to cup Crocodile's back, urging him to arch forwards and bring their fronts into close contact. It was simple to get the smaller man plastered up against his front; a little gentle coercion combined with the fingers bumping and grinding against his prostate (as well as a bit of inhibition from the alcohol) soon had him clutching at Doflamingo's chest and rolling his hips back.

The moment of weakness would be perfect for him to take advantage of with his ability. Crocodile wouldn't even notice until it was too late to escape his clutches. But he didn't intend on taking it. Why would he even want to when the mere thought of the likely eventuality of Crocodile riding in his lap was already driving his recovery? If he had to force him to do it, it would be nothing more than a disappointment in comparison.

Not wanting to give himself up completely, Crocodile was stubborn in holding his head up rather than giving in to the urge to bury it into Doflamingo's chest. When he did glance down in his current haze, he was rather amused to find that Doflamingo's arousal was already half-swollen between them. Well, he had no quarrels with helping the guy along a bit. A smirk twitched at his lips as he peered up at Doflamingo's face, running his tongue over his lower lip and taking hold of his arousal. A soft hiss rushed from his lips when he felt the cool rings touch his still-sensitive skin, though he quickly began to relax when Crocodile's fingers curled around his length. Letting him do as he wished, Doflamingo shivered as he brought their heated bodies into closer contact with a gentle pull. Each time he thrust his fingers forwards, he got to feel Crocodile's body arch close and even heard the odd appreciative moan. He didn't cease fingering him whilst his own arousal was being carefully teased and stroked, waiting for Crocodile to stop at his own pace. On top of that, it was probably best to give Crocodile at least an illusion of control if only to sweeten his attitude. Tilting his head down, he pressed his chin against Crocodile's head and produced a low sigh. “Say when, Croc.”

Despite wanting to complain about the pet-name, Crocodile found his willpower to do so rapidly slipping away, his hand loosening in its hold around Doflamingo's shaft at the same time. Finally letting go, he reached up for his shoulder to support himself, pulling his own body forwards as long fingers carefully withdrew from inside him.

Crocodile could tell how much Doflamingo was anticipating this. The body that cradled his own so well was trembling under him, and once they'd both stopped, his hands didn't hesitate in reaching down for his hips, urging and ever so compelling. He soon found himself straddling Doflamingo's lap. A sense of trepidation stuck him as he felt large hands pull him down, the head of Doflamingo's arousal pushing between his thighs and pressing against his entrance.

He couldn't complain. Doflamingo gave him ample time to push away, shout or even escape the room in a whirlwind of sand, by going slow and tilting his head down to worry his earring with his tongue. Only when it was clear that Crocodile was neither resisting nor progressing, did he take it into his own hands.

“You needn't be shy, Croc,” he chirped in a cheerful tone, though an ill-disguised tremor of excitement could be detected.

“Stop calling me tha-ah-t!” Mid sentence, Crocodile's breath hitched as his hips were tugged down, and he quickly stopped speaking as he focused his attention on keeping his body relaxed. Tensing up at this point would turn a bearable burn to searing pain, as experience had long since taught him. Leaning back, he began to help Doflamingo by lowering himself, allowing himself to produce a small groan of approval as he was filled.

Doflamingo's hands swept up Crocodile's body from his hips, caressing trembling and strained muscles. Once they met his armpits, they pulled away and reached into his hair, pulling him in before he had the chance to put up a struggle. Slightly tilting his head, Doflamingo crushed their lips together and let his eyes slip shut as he felt Crocodile respond with in kind, forcing his larger tongue back aggressively. His grip tightened into the man's hair at the unexpected response, but not in a bad way. Far from it. The active participation was more than he could have hoped for, and it was obvious Crocodile had no intention of letting him take the lead. His hips rocked up as he felt teeth brush against his lip.

When they had to part for air, Doflamingo's eyes snapped open, holding Crocodile's gaze as he released his hair and reached down for his thighs. Anticipating what was coming, Crocodile grabbed onto his neck with both his hand and his hook as he was swung backwards into the mattress, his legs being pulled all the way up until his knees were pressed to his shoulders.

Looking down at Crocodile's bent over body, Doflamingo licked his lips slowly has he let his gaze wander from the point they joined, up past an erection that already dripped precome onto his stomach to his face, several locks of hair having fallen across it.

With a shaky breath, he drew his hips back. “The thing I like about you, Croc,” Doflamingo started, letting himself get pulled in without caring about the hook scratching at his neck. “Is that you never get boring.” Rolling his hips forwards, he bridged the gap between their lips and took Crocodile up on another kiss before he could make a smart-ass comeback. Though it was unlikely that he would've been capable of doing so anyway, the kiss muffling a groan.

At first, it was easy for him to take the lead, his tongue forcing its way past Crocodile's lips and tasting the rich combination of brandy and cigars whilst he was overwhelmed. The weight of Doflamingo's larger body was driving him into the mattress with every move he made, and the usual dignity he held himself with was becoming difficult to maintain. Still, Crocodile didn't let go of it, groping clumsily for a decent hold in Doflamingo's short hair as he started to push back against his tongue with his own. Deliberately squeezing his shaft, he couldn't help being smug about the other man's sharp gasp that escaped their lips. He felt Doflamingo pulling against his hold, most likely to get some air and compose himself, but didn't allow it, pinning him down with the hook and flexing around him again.

Perhaps not the wisest move when it caused Doflamingo's body to almost collapse onto him, hips jerking forwards violently, but still worth it for the strained noises he made. The hands pinning his legs to the mattress flexed, before pushing them back in an attempt to prop his weight up. Tossing Doflamingo a rare scrap of mercy, Crocodile loosened his hold, chuckling in the back of his throat when he pulled back panting desperately.

“Aaah... you're going to pay for that, Croc,” Doflamingo rasped out, his mouth stretched into a wide grin and his tongue lolling out to the side. With his words came an immediate change in pace, the turn of speed making Crocodile's entire body twitch with the extra pleasure that accompanied it. “I'll fuck you... so hard, ufufufu.”

A momentary lift of Crocodile's eyebrows was all he could manage for smug gestures before he tilted his head back, a deep moan reverberating from his chest. “'s more like it... stupid buzzard...!”

Letting the tightening hold on his neck pull him back in, Doflamingo ran his tongue up the length of Crocodile's neck, stopping over his vibrating Adam's apple to feel the sounds he made as they came out. Already he could pick up the signs that Crocodile was nearing release, focusing on them through his own haze. The random but entirely delightful spasms around his cock, more frequent and unbridled noises of pleasure, and the insistent lurching of the trapped body underneath him into his thrusts.

Crocodile himself seemed to be well aware of it. By the time he came, release spilling onto his own abdomen, he'd caught Doflamingo in another death-grip of a kiss, having completely taken over this time. Blood was dripping down Doflamingo's back from another small wound inflicted by the hook, but neither party cared in the heat of the moment. Crocodile was too concerned with dominating the kiss even as he rode out his orgasm, body juddering as he was continuously thrust into. Both of their breathing had become harsh and neither of them cared when the other was just as bad.

The feeling of his own knees digging uncomfortably into his shoulders was the first indication to Crocodile that Doflamingo was about to follow suit as he gave up on trying to support his own weight and just concentrated on moving his hips. His movements lost their pace and he ripped their lips apart shortly before he came, driving deep into Crocodile and crowing out his name at the top of his lungs.

For several long minutes, neither of them moved from the tangled embrace. Eventually, Crocodile realised he needed to let go of Doflamingo's neck before he could move, and let his arms slip away. Around the same time, the pair of them glanced to the blood left on his hook, exchanging amused looks before pulling apart properly. Crocodile grit his teeth as Doflamingo pulled out and lifted his weight off his legs, the backs of his thighs already complaining about being over-stretched.

“I guess you gave me a piercing with that thing, eh Croc?”

Just directing Doflamingo a tired scowl, Crocodile straightened his legs out and propped himself up. He batted Doflamingo's hand away when he tried to push back a lock of hair from his face, instead choosing to smooth it back himself. “I don't need your help.”

“You take plenty of other things you don't need,” Doflamingo pointed out, leaning forwards as if to give him a kiss but seeming to think better of it before he got there, instead rolling over the bed to make a reach for the bedside table. A few seconds later he returned to Crocodile's side, offering him a cigar and lighter with one hand whilst his other arm looped around his waist.

Crocodile warily took the cigar and lighter, directing Doflamingo a suspicious look but allowing himself to get pulled in for now. Resting the cigar between his lips, he lit it and passed the lighter back.

“You don't need to act like this now you've had what you came for,” Crocodile started, making a face when he was hauled into Doflamingo's lap - mainly because the movement caused drips of semen to run down the back of his thigh. “Could've at least grabbed a tissue.”

“Mmm, why bother with a half-assed mop up job like that?” Doflamingo brought his head to rest on Crocodile's shoulder and completely encompassed him with his arms, drawing their bodies close again. “I saw the size of the tub in the bathroom, Croc...”

“I'm not letting you wash me!” Crocodile snapped angrily, hitting his arm with his hook. Getting dropped in a tub of water would render his ability useless. “Don't think I'd forget last time.”

“But how often do you find one big enough for both of us?”


“They had some really nice soap in there.”


“You could use a wash after what we've been doing.”

“I can take a bath by myself, idiot.”

“Not if I don't let you go,” Doflamingo answered, tightening his grip on Crocodile's waist a little. “You'll just have to drag me in there with you, I guess.”

“Clingy featherball,” Crocodile spat, looking over his shoulder only to get a wet kiss to the cheek. He turned away sharply, lips turning down around his cigar. “Release me now!”

For a split second he thought he'd actually managed to get his message through this time. One of the arms looped around his waist loosened and slipped away, but it was only so Doflamingo could scoop up his legs, hefting his entire body up. “Come on, I'll carry you if you're too sore to walk.”

“I never said I was.” Crocodile struggled as he was lifted up into Doflamingo's chest and carried from the bed. “You haven't even run a bath yet!”

“So you do want one now?”


“You're dripping onto my arm...”

Bristling at the rather blunt point, Crocodile folded his arms and looked forwards, taking a long draw on his cigar to calm himself. He hated giving in to Doflamingo, but he was already being carried into the bathroom and still couldn't bring himself to put up an adequate fight. “Make sure you run it hot.”

one piece, fanfiction, slash, doflamingoxcrocodile

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