Dealing with Jealous Birds

Jan 22, 2010 18:57

Title: Dealing with Jealous Birds
Fandom: One Piece
Characters/Pairings: Doflamingo/Crocodile
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 2435
Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or any of its characters.
Warnings/Notes: Written for the anon-meme over here. Yaoi, non-con, violence. Spoilerish for the Marinefold Arc


“Looks like we have the place to ourselves, croc-bastard.” Hands raised, and fingers bent into positions that seemed to defy their natural limits, Doflamingo advanced on Crocodile, who was pressed with his back against the hollowed out hull of one of many wrecked ships.

Their fight had somehow moved from the centre of the warring crowds to the inside of a wreck, and Crocodile doubted that this convenient turn of events was a coincidence. They'd entered through a large, ragged hole and with a slight twist of his head, Crocodile could still see the massacre going on outside, though in the darkened environment they were in right now, he imagined they were both more or less obscured to all but the keenest observer. Returning his attention to the man towering in front of him, Crocodile curled his lip and spat out the smouldering stub of his cigar before directing him a vicious swing of his hook.

It stopped inches from Doflamingo's nose. A finger flexed, and the limb was dragged back until it was pinned to the wood behind him. Gritting his teeth, Crocodile tried to pull it back, but the force of restraint only increased.

“Ufufu... My, my, my dear Wani, don't think I'm going to let you get away now I have you again.” Doflamingo drawled out, tilting his head to the side to dodge the responding blast of sand.

It was clear that Crocodile was far beyond the beginnings of exhaustion from their drawn out fight. His hair was tousled, the long dark strands falling in front of his eyes, and his breathing was rapid. Even his logia ability was beginning to suffer, his attacks losing their bite.

“Get your hands off me, you filthy buzzard.”

“They aren't touching you.” Doflamingo pointed out with sickening smugness, flexing a finger and forcing Crocodile's head back against the hull. “But I'm hardly going to let you tell me where I can put them.”

“You aren't putting them anywhere.” Straining against the invisible forces holding him, Crocodile suddenly stopped when he felt something begin to slice into his neck, cutting through the fabric of his cravat as though it were nothing. A few droplets of blood fell onto the expensive fabric and spread.

“Your body is just as much my home as my own, and I intend on putting my hands wherever I like.” To demonstrate his point, Doflamingo reached up for Crocodile's chest and cupped a pectoral through the fabric. His tongue lolled out of his mouth as he loomed over his captive, his own massive height dwarfing Crocodile's usually impressive stature.

A shudder of disgust had Crocodile cringing away from groping fingers. Taking a quick glance down, he needed no further explanation of Doflamingo's intentions when he noticed the prominent bulge in the front of his trousers. The sight triggered him to increase his struggles, melting into sand in attempt to evade the control.

“Why can't you just understand that you're mine, my Wani?” Cackling as he met every attempt to escape with ease, Doflamingo encroached further upon his personal space, his erection digging against Crocodile's side through layers of thick fabric. “I'm not going to let you go, not even when the world is collapsing around us.”

“Talk like that will hardly bring me round now.” Crocodile ground out sourly, grasping Doflamingo's wrist and pulling it away from his chest.

With a skilled twist of his wrist, Doflamingo escaped the hold with ease, reversing the hold and pinning Crocodile's arm over his head whilst shuffling a foot forwards until he was forced to part his thighs. With the unpleasant overbearing presence at his front, Crocodile continued to struggle, but his efforts were soon restricted as his body began to move against his will. All he could so was watch his own hand move from the wall to the bare skin at the top of Doflamingo's chest, stroking instead of scratching.

“See, I think you are warming to me.”

“Trust me, I am still quite cold blooded.” Crocodile retorted as his cravat was plucked from his neck and dropped to the floor. The offending hand moved down to pick the buttons of his waistcoat open, doing so with nimble ease; Doflamingo didn't need to look, leaning down instead to lick droplets of blood from the cut on his neck. “Must you slobber all over me like a wretched dog?”

“Just checking my handiwork...” The casual answer had a strong undertone of intent. Crocodile's cape and waistcoat were soon worked off his person whilst Doflamingo's tongue crept up his neck. The former shichibukai rolled his eyes when lips predictably followed, latching onto his skin to bring up a hickey. Seeming to pick up on the silent action, Doflamingo grazed his teeth up the side of his neck in warning before biting down anyway, knowing full well the sort of bruises he would leave. Once he pulled away, his dexterous fingers had already began to divest Crocodile of his shirt, working down the front with one hand whilst keeping him pinned down with the other. “Ah, you look so much better wearing my marks.”

“You wreck my clothes and vandalise my body... I'd hardly consider that an improvement.”

“You always were sensitive about your looks.” Forcing Crocodile to slip out of his shirt with a few flicks of his fingertips, Doflamingo couldn't keep his mouth off him. By the time the shirt hit the floor, he was already sucking another hickey onto the centre of Crocodile's chest.

Drawing back with a string of spittle trailing from his lip, he just missed an angry jerk of the other man's body smashing into his nose.

“My Wani, why did you not wear your prison clothes?” Doflamingo asked, sounding inquisitive even as a cruel twitch of his finger saw a long thin line slice into Crocodile's chest. “It seems like more suitable attire for you considering your circumstances.” When Crocodile just snarled in response and jerked against the invisible bonds holding him, another line of blood seeped from his chest. “Oops, clumsy. Still making rookie mistakes, I see.”

Though the pain from the numerous shallow cuts that were mounting on his body was nothing to Crocodile, Doflamingo's words were far more inciting. Curling his lip in disgust, he jerked his knee up at Doflamingo's groin, but it was no surprise to him when his leg was caught in place before it connected. “I'm not done yet, bastard.”

“When you get smacked down by rookies, you're pretty much done.” Doflamingo pointed out in a smug tone, opening up Crocodile's belt and yanking it out the loops.

“Commodore Smoker got the credit.” Crocodile murmured, looking uncomfortable. He had a brief glimpse out the hull before his vision was blocked by a bustling mound of feathers, and it reminded him of just how close the crowd was from his soon-to-be naked self.

“I was actually referring to your little assassination attempt just now.” Tilting his head to the side, Doflamingo produced a pleased- possibly bird-like- hum in the back of his throat. “But thanks for confirming the rumours, croc-bastard.”

Remaining unresponsive when his trousers and underwear dropped around his ankles, leaving his skin bare to felt the draft coming from the icy floor, Crocodile neglected to step out of the bundle of fabric out of sheer refusal to cooperate on any level. He didn't react to a large hand cupping his cock, or the heavy breathing by his ear that preceded Doflamingo's tongue running over the shell, wet and consistently oppressive. The closest thing to a rise that was drawn out of him was a well-placed yawn.

“Not hot enough for you?” Doflamingo asked, forcing a concerned tone but failing at sounding sincere. He curled his fingers around Crocodile's balls, the gentle treatment contrasting with his initial roughness. The change of tact had no chance of working when Crocodile was so stubborn in his refusal however. Skilful touches that would have sent a partner in any normal situation into a frenzy of lust did nothing to the composed man pinned to the wall. After a spell in the depths of hell, this was nothing. There was not so much as a flinch when his thumb brushed along sensitive spots. “Or are you holding back for some reason, hmm?”

“Perhaps you are just shit in bed.” Crocodile suggested, looking at their surroundings before adding: “And out of it.”

“I think not.” With his wide smile faltering for a moment, Doflamingo scowled behind his glasses at the insult. More blood escaped from Crocodile's skin when his fingers tensed out of annoyance. “If you don't want to enjoy it, don't.”

Crocodile wasn't given a chance to retort. Doflamingo's twitching fingers turned him in a swift movement to ram his face into the wall with little warning, smacking his face into the wood. There was a brief rush of sand around them, but it fell back when Crocodile was forced to gasp for air when the weight of the larger man pressed against him. He could feel the inelegant repositioning of gawky long arms and legs behind him, which only served to remind him of the rather significant difference in their statures.

“I suppose if you can't succeed in appreciating a good, proper fucking, you could've never succeeded in taking over an entire country.” Doflamingo teased, his voice silken and smug before he occupied his lips by once more latching onto Crocodile's skin, ignoring the brief tickle of abrasive sand grains before he gave up. The only struggles Crocodile could muster now were fleeting and weak, to the point that he disgusted even himself. He'd rather not try than look like a pathetic fool for doing so. When a bony knee pushed his thighs apart, he did nothing to resist nor engage the move.

“Ha, you can hardly deal it out yourself.” Crocodile rasped out, finding his voice a little nasal and tasting blood. If being forced up against the hull hadn't broken his nose, it still took a hard blow.

Ignoring the insult, Doflamingo reached down with one hand, fiddling with his belt and trousers. Feathers surrounded Crocodile on all sides now he was pressed flushed to his back. A large hand cupped his hip, drawing him away from the wall.

Already knowing what to expect, Crocodile remained silent when he felt the tip of Doflamingo's arousal being forced into him and stretching him beyond his ordinary limits. There was a slight damp slickness of lubricant, but he knew full well it was merely to prevent him using his ability to any effect. Doflamingo wouldn't be as considerate to be careful with him.

He heard a low grunt accompanying a rough jerk of Doflamingo's hips that rammed his girth into him without sympathy. It took a far greater portion of Crocodile's self control not to yell out in pain and tense up his entire body than it had when he was just dealing with the man's hand. Long fingers dug into his hip, and his cringed when Doflamingo ran his tongue over his shoulder. Before long possessive hands were roaming over his body, forcing him to close his eyes in an attempt to block out the unclean feeling. With his vision cut off, Crocodile was left to listen to the heavy breathing and unrestrained moans of the man driving into him, backed by the low roar of the battle outside. Occasional screams would sound out nearby, reminding him of just how close the melee was.

Though Crocodile remained inert beneath him, responding neither to pleasure or pain, Doflamingo was not deterred. He still relished sliding his hand up to his chest and pulling the smaller body flush to his own. He was shameless about his own sounds of pleasure, intentionally moaning past Crocodile's ear to let him know just how much he was enjoying himself as he repeatedly rammed into him. Without a willing participant to please, he acted upon his own desires alone, pushing as deep as he could. Despite Crocodile's efforts, he soon felt his body quivering against his hands and insides beginning to squeeze him further as his body tried to dispel him.

“Ahhh... enjoying this?”

“Not at all.” Crocodile's voice was barely level now, a slight undertone of pain shaking it.

“You feel fantastic...” Pressing his face into Crocodile's neck with an affectionate groan, Doflamingo reached down to fondle him, despite the fact that he was still flaccid. It still had no effect, but he didn't stop. “And you look so much better covered with my marks.”

Crocodile instantly regretted the derisive snort he gave as blood exploded from his nostrils. He twitched when Doflamingo's movements began to dissolve to rapid and uneven jerks, tormenting his already damaged body further. Certain he could feel Doflamingo's lips curl into a smirk against his neck, Crocodile had no time to consider it as he withdrew with a violent yank and left him hissing in agony at the throbbing pain. Moments later he felt his hot release spilling over the backs of his thighs.

Opening his eyes, Crocodile finally felt some relief that the worst was over with, though he could feel the sticky fluids dribbling down his legs. No doubt another mark Doflamingo wanted to leave on him. There was an increased pressure as the larger man's weight pressed him into the wall, and Crocodile tried to jab his elbow backwards to make him move.

“Hn... that was great, croc-bastard.” For once, Doflamingo cooperated with the prompt and moved, grinning at the copious mess he left on the back of Crocodile's thighs. With a few flicks of his fingers, he turned Crocodile around, instantly reaching in to touch whatever he could reach. Cupping Crocodile's chin, he lifted his thumb to swipe away the blood from his upper lip with bizarre care. “A kiss, my Wani?”

Lifting his gaze to the pair of oversized and garish glasses Doflamingo was wearing, Crocodile gave a slow nod, tilting his head in invitation.

“I fucking hate you.” Whispered Crocodile as Doflamingo crouched down to kiss him, breaking the marginal gap between them to sink his teeth into his lower lip. When Doflamingo reeled away, already raising an leg to kick him, he didn't falter, licking his blood from his lip and looking up with an expression that reeked of arrogance. “Just leaving my mark, Flamingo.”

one piece, fanfiction, slash, doflamingoxcrocodile

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