Under Lock and Key

Dec 31, 2008 01:37

Title: Under Lock and Key
Fandom: One Piece
Characters/Pairing: Ace/Smoker
Rating: NC-17 - Writing NSFW, image is G.
Word count: 4319
Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or any of its characters.
Warnings/Notes: Smutty yaoi. Bondage. Spoiler-wise, this is set just after the Arabasta Arc, though there are passing mentions of concepts released past chapter 364.

Related sketch at the bottom of the post too :D


After a quick blow to the surface of his coffee, Smoker lifted the mug to his lips, sipping the bitter liquid despite the fact it wouldn't ever get to burn him. The hot air of Arabasta that blew against his bare chest was starting to cool as the ship moved out of the island's hot climate. Tashigi had wandered off below deck, and the ship was quiet; there was little to do in the currently calm sea.

Peace never lasted long for him however.

He heard it in the distance. A low roar of a fiery motor, not quite mechanical but not entirely natural either, approaching through the gentle splash of waves. Familiar to the sound, he did not even bother to sit up. If something was coming to him, he was patient enough to wait for it.

Just as the volume rose to his limits of annoyance, it cut off. Reaching past the side of his chair, he wrapped his hand around the handle of his jutte, his body ready to spring into action under the veneer of calmness. To think he had the gall to approach a marine ship.

Not just any ship either; his ship.

“Good afternoon.” The polite voice coming from behind him shocked Smoker into jerking into a sitting position. “You know, all that coffee must be bad for you.”

There was a long pause as Smoker held onto his composure, half turning with the jutte hanging from his loosened grasp. It was somewhat shaking to think that the kid had managed to sneak up on him so effectively; perhaps he was underestimating him. The fact he'd improved since their first meeting was undeniable.

“What, aren't you going to say hello?” Leaning forwards a bit, Ace pouted, seeming to be moments from an impending finger-waggling before Smoker lifted the jutte, pointing it at his chest whilst rising to his feet, the tip not shifting an inch. Lifting up his hands defensively, Ace took a step back, shaking his head. “I just dropped in for a visit.”

“You have some nerve to come onto a marine ship in broad day light, Portgas.” Keeping the jutte pointed squarely at Ace's chest, Smoker glared at him with seething frustration. It was a horrible place and time for a pirate to show up, and he wouldn't cover Ace to land his own ass in trouble. “I should just capture you now for that stupidity.”

“Hey, don't I get a free pass? You let Luffy off.”

“That was justice.” Smoke seemed to stream from the cigars as the vein on Smoker's forehead started to pop out. “You haven't done shit.”

“What if I did something to make up for it?” Curved lips formed a pleading pout, but Smoker saw through the façade created to lure him in. “How could I not come and see you after our little encounter before, hmm?”

Snorting a large puff of thick smoke from his nose, the corner of Smoker's mouth curled in a minuscule smile. “You'd just run on me after taking what you want, pirate. I'm taking my payment up front if I'm dealing with you.”

Lifting his hands up, a crooked smile spread on Ace's face.

“Better lock me up before I run away the-” Exhaling harshly, his sank to his knees as the sea stone tip of the jutte struck his chest, the warning none too gentle.

“If you're going to come quietly, get on your feet and come. I'm not going to pick up the pieces if you're seen.” It was hard to dispel the growing feeling that he was being dragged down to Ace's level of chaos, even as the pirate in front of him looked up with a fearless grin and hauled himself to his feet.

Keeping the jutte held up, Smoker allowed Ace to turn around before directing him forwards, growling out directions as he coaxed him below deck, moving slowly and with great caution to avoid the men who worked under him. He may be able to get away with a lot through just barking orders, but being seen with one of Whitebeard's division leaders would do more than raise a few questions. It was just another ridiculous situation he found himself in.

As they moved down past the main living quarters, the lighting became progressively dingier, the ends of Smoker's cigars glowing in the dark as they entered a room.

It contained nothing of much interest, just boxes of what Ace figured were probably supplies for repairs. There was a dull clink in the dark as Smoker picked up something with his free hand, but Ace did not get a chance to react to it in time as the jutte slowed his reactions, sea stone cuffs snapping around his wrists. Feeling the energy sap from his body, he was forced to his knees by a glove hand tangled in his hair.

Smoker he leant his jutte against a box and dragged Ace to sit against it, looking down in satisfaction. Lean shoulders sank forwards as the pirate struggled to support himself; out of the corner of his eye he saw the jutte move past him as Smoker picked it up, a clear sign he had no intention of sticking around.

“Where are you going?” He peered up into the gloom at the silhouette of Smoker's head, squinting a little. “I thought you wanted to fuck.”

“I don't want you incinerating the entire hold. You'll wait here until I come back later.”

“Wait?” Less than pleased by the statement, Ace shifted against the box and scowled up. There was nothing he could do now he had the cuffs on, beside ignoring the slight surge of panic that he was going to be handed over this time, captured for good. “Let me go... please.” A slight smirk crossed his face as he looked up into Smoker's dead pan eyes. Pleading would get him nowhere.

“You can wait.” The cigar tips rose as Smoker grinned. “I'll release you later, I give you my word. If I stay here much longer my absence will be noticed. See you tonight, Portgas.”

Huffing in annoyance, Ace didn't answer, looking away from his captor who slipped out of the door, closing it silently behind him. Though he was still wary of the cuffs, it was a relief that Smoker appeared to be returning; he knew he was a man of his word. He had no choice but to wait anyway, he was the one with the key.

Glaring into the darkness, Ace let his eyes slip shut was his stomach growled. He wondered whether denying him his dinner had been an intentional sadistic act or simply a forgetful coincidence. Either way, he promised himself it wouldn't go unpunished. He'd get that damn marine for this one.


Dinner and bedtime had long since pasted by the time Smoker returned to the hold Ace had been left in. After tugging on his jacket and drawing it about his body, he'd crept from his room while others slept, making his way down to Ace and opening the door with care, the slight squeak of hinges causing Ace's head to snap up to attention before it was closed again.

“Welcome back.” He peered into the darkness, the only illumination from the tips of Smoker's cigars. “I hope you enjoyed your dinner.”

Ignoring the statement, Smoker moved to sit in front of Ace, the shadows defining the contours of his stern face. Reaching up, he plucked the hat from Ace's head and set it on the box behind him before running a hand through the dark wavy hair once, drawing it away and looking into Ace's eyes firmly. The strands tickled his finger tips, a little rough and dry from the sea spray.

“Consider being sent to bed without dinner a punishment for nearly getting us caught. If we're seen, I'll take no hesitation in carting your ass off to Impel Down.” Narrowing his eyes angrily, he grabbed Ace's hair, giving it a rough yank that drew out a yelp of pain. “Don't pull this shit again. I don't take kindly to making conjugal visits.”

“You think anyone would be able to drag me down there?” Releasing a brief arrogant laugh, Ace leant towards Smoker, more to relieve the pulling of his scalp.

“Never be too sure of yourself, Portgas. There are men of higher rank than me with the same power, but there are plenty who make me pale in comparison.” His strong fingers slipped from Ace's hair.

“You're already pale, Commodore.”

Eyes widening, Smoker didn't bother to ask about how Ace had received news so fast. “Shut up, cocky brat. I haven't been awarded that title yet. If you want me to take those cuffs off you ought to behave.”

“Holding me to ransom now are you?” Spreading his legs apart and leaning back against the boxes, Ace smiled. “You've really kept me waiting down here you know. I want to be uncuffed first.”

Shaking his head at the impatience, Smoker reached into the pocket of his jacket, drawing out a small key and stoppered bottle, placing the bottle beside them and reaching over to grab Ace's shoulder. Not bothering to be gentle, he twisted Ace's body around so he could get to the cuffs, unlocking them and discarding them on the floor. Immediately after Ace flexed his hands, flames sprouting on his fingertips and casting long, flickering shadows on the walls.

“Perfect.” Not even bothering to turn back, he reached down to unbutton his shorts, carefully inching his knees back as he pushed them down, so his entire body shifted a bit closer to Smoker.

“Straight to the point as per usual, Portgas.” There was a hint of amusement in the marine's voice this time. Relaxing a bit, Smoker ran his hands over Ace's back, scowling as his fingers touched the large tattoo; seeming to sense the tenseness in the hands touching him, Ace flared against them, the tattoo turning into pure fire upon his back.

“Well, I do realise you are a busy man.” He tilted his head back, leaning into the caress of Smoker swirling around his body, even as thighs pressed firm to his own. “I could never keep you from your duties, could I?”

Having no response, Smoker just leaned forwards, tracing his hands over Ace's sides, fingers dipping into curves and dips with renewing familiarity. Slipping a hand around the front of the other's thigh, he fondled him with a firm grip, letting wisps of smoke stroke at his sensitive skin. Fire blew away the darkness, but he trusted Ace's control at least. The pirate had enough control to ensure the room wouldn't burst into flames. An arm hooked around Smoker's neck, dragging him down into a kiss, the lips pressed to his own hot and inviting.

The distraction was all that Ace needed to grab the cuffs, twisting around and snapping one onto Smoker's wrist with a flick of his own.

The cigars nearly dropped from Smoker's slackened jaw as he stared at the cuff on his wrist in shock; the smoke curling over Ace's skin evaporated into thin air. Grabbing Smoker's other arm, Ace slipped it in the other cuff and flicked it shut, pulling the key out of the lock and putting it on the box behind him. In front of him a low growl of frustration came from Smoker as nearly fell on his face in surprise, the seastone leaving him uncomfortably vulnerable.

“Let me go Portgas.” Glaring up at the young pirate, Smoker knew that any pleading would fall on deaf ears. “It isn't funny.”

“I think it is funny,” replied Ace, leaning on the box and reaching over to grab Smoker's hair in the same manner his own was pulled before. “I think it is damn well hilarious, actually. This is what you get for denying me of my dinner.”

“What?! That's ridiculous, you can't eat on here, idiot, you'd be seen.” Twisting around in Ace's hold, Smoker concealed a wince of pain at the hair pulling. His cheeks heated up as he was dragged forwards towards Ace's crotch, his cock standing from his lowered shorts, a very clear message as to what he was supposed to do now. Slender fingers plucked the cigars out of his mouth, stubbing them on the floor and discarding them. The hand in his hair gave another tug, insisting he continue.

Scowling up at Ace, Smoker leant forwards himself, disliking his loss of control of the situation. He dragged his tongue over hot skin, noting how Ace's body had an unnatural warmth to it that he hadn't really noticed when he had his own powers to protect him. A soft hiss of pleasure and clunk of head hitting wood reached him from above as he brought his lips into play, kissing and rubbing against anything sensitive in his restricted range. If he could've damn well take this upstart on his terms, he was certainly going to prove his skills were superior.

Fire erupted on Ace's shoulders as lips encircled the head of his cock; he only got a glimpse of Smoker's face before he engulfed the rest. The marine's expression was forced into one of extreme annoyance. Pity it lost any real meaning when his pale eyes were burning with determination and lust. Loosening his hold on Smoker's hair, he ran his fingers through the strands, realising how hard it could be to damp his powers on his own.

Precariously propped up on his hands, Smoker raised his head and looked up, his lips rubbing against Ace's cock as he spoke. “Don't you dare burn my hair off.” He flashed his teeth, the dangerous expression making Ace swallow and withdraw his hand from his hair with a sheepish grin, but instead cupped the back of his head, drawing him back in. A lazy groan escaped is lips as Smoker continued, and his head drooped back against the box. There was no teasing or games with Smoker here, the distinct difference between their styles, so to speak. That was something he liked about the marine; he was easy to gauge, and always had a clear cut line.

Whether Ace would cross it or not was entirely at his own discretion of course.

As he looked down at the arched back, and shoulders that could barely resist trembling under the burden of most of Smoker's weight, he knew that he'd gone so far across that line he'd probably meet it again in a full circle soon enough.

The gaze of his hooded eyes flicked from the marine in a rumpled jacket whose face was currently in his lap to the stoppered bottle to his side.

Might as well make the most of the situation and go all out now.

Licking his lips at the prospect, Ace reached down to grasp Smoker's shoulders, a little irritated he hadn't been relieved of his jacket before, and helped him move off, muttering a few words of praise as he felt the cool saliva left on his cock in the air.

“What are you up to now, Portgas?” Not wanting to end up face down on the floorboards, Smoker let Ace move his weakened body, though with some trepidation when he noticed the smug expression on the other's face. There couldn't be many reasons that the pirate would let him off at this point, not without some form of release. After all, he was a pirate, and he had a pretty good idea of what he might be after. “Portgas?”

There was only a grunt in response as his body was manoeuvred around to face the box; Smoker grit his teeth, momentarily finding the lack of cigars very disconcerting before the thought was pushed away when Ace bent him over the box. The hands left his body for a few seconds as Ace bend down to pick up the bottle of lubricant, placing it on the box beside the key.

Glaring at the heavy jacket on Smoker's back, Ace hauled the length of it to one side, baring his behind and some of his back, pale skin glowing under his flame. After spending hours powerless in the darkness, with those evil cuffs on, Ace had no intention of returning to the gloom right away. Especially when he had things worth looking at.

“You know, if you wanted to fuck me boy, you could have asked,” grumbled Smoker from the box, voice hinting his displeasure as an all too warm body pressed tight to the back of his own. The heat of flames lighting them from Ace's shoulders could be felt as well. “At least you make a decent night light.”

“Ah, but it is so much more fun this way.” Hands slipped around Smoker's hips, the fingers making short work of the fastenings on the front of his trousers, opening them up and slipping in to fondle him. Even now Smoker was holding tight to his composure, though he couldn't see his expression. Wrapping his hand around him, he stroked several times before smearing drips of precum across the head with his thumb. “Ah...you're wet already. You really don't let yourself show it do you?”

A bit perplexed by the hint of sadness in Ace's voice, Smoker muttered back in a restrained voice. “Show what?”

“This.” Ace grinned widely at the groan of pleasure he forced out of Smoker as he squeezed him with skilled restraint.

Not allowing himself relief as the hand drew out of his trousers, Smoker waited as he felt them drop. There was a brief retreat of the hot body behind him as they were removed with his boots, but it soon returned to push him against the box, lips kissing over his lower back with a newer urgency to taste him. Ace sank to his knees behind him, reaching over for the bottle and flicking the stopper off with his thumb, it clattering on the floor in some forgotten corner as he emptied out some of the lubricant onto his fingers.

Squirming a little at the feel of the wet substance being smeared over his entrance, Smoker tried to dispel the idea of how ridiculous he looked in this situation. He realised Ace's mouth was now on his inner thigh, licking at his skin first before latching on fully, most likely with the intention to leave a hickey. At least it wouldn't be visible here. He closed his eyes as he felt a finger slip into him, and a second, spreading the lubricant about evenly before withdrawing, not wasting time. Expecting to be mounted in this position, his eyes snapped open as he was flipped over again, dumped back on the top of the box without much grace.

“Damnit, you couldn't be more careful, could you?” Sarcasm laced his voice, but it seemed to bypass Ace, who just leant down with a goofy grin that seemed to grow more predatory as he got closer, reaching down to pull his legs out of the way.

“Sorry.” There was a quick inclination of his head as Ace apologised, but he didn't linger on it, hauling well built legs out of his way until the marine was spread to his liking, allowing him to press back close to his body.

The jut of Ace's hipbones against his thighs reminded him where he was, and he shot him an impatient glare, but said nothing. He knew the pirate disliked taking orders from him against his own terms, and it wouldn't be wise to stretch him in this disadvantaged position. It was easier to be patient. Easier to tolerate the almost unbearably hot hands rub against his stomach and slide pass his ribs to his chest, fingertips grazing against his nipples with seeming carelessness. But he knew each little movement was calculated. The lifted corners of Ace's mouth gave his intentions away.

One hand left his chest, Ace fumbling a little with the lube again as he tried to get into position, finding the box a little low at first as he grasped his cock, spreading lubricant in a less neat manner than before.

A smirk of amusement spread over Smoker's face as he watched the younger male hurry, recognising the lack of forethought from his own actions years before. It worked out the same in the end though; he felt a brief pressure warning him to relax before he was entered, breathing out harshly through his nose as he gritted his teeth. The entry wasn't painful, but Ace's unwillingness to go slow at this point took some accommodating.

Above him a soft gasp slipped out, and the flames flickered out for a moment, before flaring back to life with a ceiling-scorching crackle. The hands felt hotter than ever, but it wasn't prickly. Under the touch his chest arched up for more of the soothing heat on his skin. Most intense of all was the point where their bodies connected, tightly locked as heat built up between them. He hissed as narrow hips drew back from him and sank forwards again, his legs parting further in an unconscious invitation.

Releasing a shaky breath, Ace started to move with a more confident rhythm, watching Smoker's face as glimmers of pleasure and satisfaction contorted it. His own outstretched hand cupped his chin, thumb brushing against the grain of stubble as he leaned in to kiss the other, pleased that he was getting a response as he kept moving in him, not wasting time with build up. Going easy on the hardened marine would just piss him off, and he wasn't one for being slow either.

The edge of the cuffs scraped against the wood above his head, the noise covering up the soft groan of pleasure Smoker made. His hips jerked by against Ace the little he could move them, more out of the principle that he should participate, and not lie back and take it. His breath hitched when long fingers, still a bit slippery from the lubricant, wrapped around his cock. In hand with the distraction, Ace's tongue pushed forwards to deepen the kiss, their chests now touching.

By the time the pirate had found the mercy to pull back, Smoker was out of breath. Each time he inhaled his chest pushed up to Ace's, the skin touching his own still hot. It didn't take much from the hand around his cock to finish him, his release spilling over Ace's fingers as his breath drained out of him. It wasn't long after that he felt the hips pressed to his own shudder and rock forwards without rhythm as Ace came, hot breath tickling his neck.

For a couple of minutes the pair barely moved, Ace only shifting their hips apart enough to withdraw. As he recovered, Smoker released how hot and humid the room was now; he was still sweating because of the heat Ace was throwing out into the room. His body felt more tired then ever. The urge to get out of the cuffs was back as the trapping sensation returned to the forefront of his awareness.

“Let me go now.” No softness in his voice, Smoker blurted out the demand clearly, staring up at the ceiling. He also wanted a cigar, come to think of it. “Come on, brat!”

“But you look so good like this.” Pulling back to stand, allowing some cooler air to reach Smoker's almost steaming body, Ace looked over him with a appraising eye as he pulled up his trousers. There was a sour silence as he reached out to rub Smoker's stubble again, before Smoker twisted his head away with an angry grunt.

“Release me!”

Frowning at the command, Ace picked up the small key, looking at it and back to Smoker, a slow grin forming on his face.

Eyes bulging, Smoker struggled in the cuffs, trying to lift them up. It didn't take an idiot to realise what track the pirate's mind is on now. “Don't you dare do it, Portgas. I'll rip your ass in half if you do it.”

“I'm willing to take that risk.” Tilting his head back, Ace opened his mouth wide and without hesitation, dropped the key in, swallowing with a very visible gulp. Looking down at Smoker's appalled face, he smirked and leant in. “I was hungry.”

“You moron! You can't just leave me in these, bastard, I'll be found like this.” Struggling from the boxes, he got to his feet. “Cough it up. Right. Now.”

“No can do.” With a hand place at the centre of Smoker's chest, Ace pushed him down into a sitting position on the boxes. Looking at him, most specifically at his crotch, Ace nodded to himself as he stuck his hand out to the side, shooting a burst of flame at Smoker's trousers.

“What was that for, bastard?” Surging forwards against Ace's hand, Smoker was pushed back into his place.

“Don't want you following me.” A low growl rumbled from Ace's stomach. “I want to spend some alone time with the ship's pantry now.” Stamping on the remnants of the trousers, Ace turned away to the door, ignoring Smoker's angry objections as he picked up the jutte. “See you later, White Hunter.”

Darkness descended on the room once more as the fire flickered out and the door shut, leaving Smoker to himself. He heard a low rattle as Ace fiddled with the door, most likely fixing the jutte in the handle. When it went quiet he could just about hear soft footstep recede from the door, realising that he was going to be stuck here to think a way out by himself.

If he didn't come up with something, he dreaded what Tashigi would say in the morning.


one piece, smokerxace, fanfiction, slash, fanart

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