I can't say I'm pleased with the way New Dawn ended for me. I can fully understand why
fikgirl chose to not invite either of my two characters back for the slimmed down retooled version of the game. One was in a group that had not yet reached Haven and the other had been a distinctly secondary character and was not well suited for turning into a primary character. Also our posting styles were somewhat different, as unless there was some unacknowledged joint posting going on, her posts sometimes used minor words or acts by others' characters to make the text flow more smoothly. I acknowledge the literary merits of the technique, but it's not one I'm comfortable with myself when roleplaying. Joint posting provides the same benefits without the risk of stepping on another player's sensibilities of what their character might do.
However, the manner in which it was done has left an unpleasant aftertaste. A simple message that she had decided to have neither of my characters continue in the game would have sufficed for basic courtesy. I suspect that she wished to avoid any unpleasantries that might follow such messages. Some people do not take criticism well. However, at least in my case, it has instead added to the unpleasantries. I certainly wouldn't be writing this journal entry. Being a GM has certain privileges and responsibilities, as I know from games I've run (mostly pen and paper RPG campaigns back when I was in college). I can't fault how she handled the privileges, as I think I would have made similar choices of which characters to keep in a slimmed down campaign had I been her, but the responsibilities, that's another matter.