Well isn't this nice!

Nov 08, 2005 16:35

Yes, I am here.

To those that read this you have the 1 chance to find out what I have been doing. Those that don't read this then, TUFF - Guess you'll never know.

When I left, I never intended for it to be 4 months before I got back online. It was about a week whenI realised I hadn't gone online any more, but then, a week isn't that long to be absent. Holdays/vacatons can be longer than that, so I wasn't worried. My site was dead and Den's would go on living... or so I thought.

During my absence a few important things happened that kinda got me bogged down in work and depression, yes that 'D' word again. I developed a respiratory illness with some funny name and I had been ignoring it for too long, but basically when I go to sleep too much fluid builds up in my lungs and basically stops me from breathing normally. It was like breathing through a spone, each breath an effort. No sleep = no life, which = depression and tiredness.

If that wasn't the icing on the cake, I am informed I also have severe Dyscalculia and mild Dyslexia. Bare in mind I am now 25 and have been living with these learning difficulties through school and university and contributed to 2 years of major depression. It kinda sucks that I never knew before, but relieved that I can now point a finger at the problem and say 'that's why!'

Nine or more yes responses on the questionnaire indicates a difficulty:

1. Do you find difficulty telling left from right?
2. Is map reading or finding your way to a strange place confusing?
3. Do you dislike reading aloud?
4. Do you take longer than you should to read a page of a book?
5. Do you find it difficult to remember the sense of what you have read?
6. Do you dislike reading long books?
7.Is your spelling poor?
8. Is your writing difficult to read?
9. Do you get confused if you have to speak in public?
10. Do you find it difficult to take messages on the telephone and pass them on correctly?
11. When you say a long word, do you sometimes find it difficult to get all the sounds in the right order?
12. Do you find it difficult to do sums in your head without using your fingers or paper?
13. When using the telephone, do you tend to get the numbers mixed up when you dial?
14. Do you find it difficult to say the months of the year forwards in a fluent manner?
15. Do you find it difficult to say the months of the year backwards?
16. Do you mix up dates and times and miss appointments?
17. When writing cheques do you frequently find yourself making mistakes?
18. Do you find forms difficult and confusing?
19. Do you mix up bus numbers like 95 and 59?
20. Did you find it hard to learn your multiplication tables at school?

From the British Dyslexia Association website.

For other sufferers.

As for Den's website, amestris. I got back to realise that all my databases were gone!!!! Even my own site, all gone. The files were all there, but the users and posts were gone. Not that the loss of my site was too bad, it was doomed anyway, but Den-san's site was gone and I still have the feeling she blames me for it. No idea how long it's been down though.

So I get back online, to find that no one has even mentioned me in the last 4 months, but when I did get back online I have found that because I never prostrated myself before someone they verbally slandered me in a post. Eh... Go figure.

I'm just going to sit in a corner and cough up more fluids.

PS Must get back to more RPing somewhere.
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