Although, technically, we've already done so. For Wayne's later-birthday spree, we went to Fort Leonard Wood (Lost in the Woods, as the nickname goes,) and we got quite a few items. We also went to the local movie rental place (one of two, which are right across the street from each other...) and got a game and a few movies. It's the games, of course, that are the more important items here. We made quite a haul, really.
First, we rented "Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life" for the GameCube. It, like almost every one of its predecessors that I've played, intrigues me to no end. I guess it's the peaceful, light-hearted environment (and the constant living up to Natsume's motto: "Serious Fun.") that makes me come back for more; even though it's radically different in the farming/ranching area (For the first play-through, my character starved for about three days in a row because I couldn't figure out how to get him to eat food and actually enjoy it, couldn't find out how to ship the milk that I received, and a host of other problems.) Even still, Wayne and I enjoyed a good laugh over it, and now that I understand the system, I'm starting to settle into full farmer mode.
Of course, the game requires 40+ blocks of memory, and since our card came with 50, Wayne and I made a last-minute dash to Wal-Mart to get a memory card. Yes, the game is that addictive. I'm severely tempted to go forth and procure the game for a permanent basis, seeing as it runs for ten years worth of time, but I'm not so sure about that. I guess it depends on how this rental works out.
Secondly, we bought Megaman X5 for the Playstation. Haven't had time to try this one out yet, but I got it on Wayne's recommendation, so it should be good.
Wayne also got the Megaman Compendium for the GameCube. It's the first 8 Megaman games on one cartridge, and I'm still laughing at the difficulty he's having for them. It's definately worse than I remember, with all of the "puzzles" and "obstacles" still alive and kicking. Oh well... it should still be all right in the end. I hope.
The best purchase, however, was a nice TV to replace the one we've had for... a couple of years now. For those of you that weren't in the know, this TV had a darkness setting of "Blind," with the result of not being able to play any game without a very bright setting. This rendered quite a few games unplayable, which made the both of us upset.
With the new TV, however, we're doing much better, and the picture is, as the saying goes, crystal clear. Our first few games of TimeSplitters 2 was vastly improved, and I'm definately looking forward to seeing how the other games work out.
But now that it's getting late, I think I'll go to bed. Church and D&D in the morning, and all that.