Okay, it's that time of year again. I've played in (and lost) another Survivor
(Survivor 12, to be precise,) and now it's time for me to record my feelings, so that I don't forget them later. (Don't ask why I wasn't doing a play-by-play, it's a long story.)
My character was Washu, of the Tenchi Muyo! manga. I was planning on having her go as a quite comedic, yet sometimes serious, character; relying mostly on my interactions with Wayne to make it work. Also, I wanted to have her obtrusively interrupt each and every duel, so that she could explain the mechanics behind it.
I failed. Badly. Suffice to say that I made Washu surprisingly flippant, with maybe two serious posts to her credit. The worse part about it was that the vast majority of the active posters were comedic, as well, which means that there was nothing that set Washu apart.
Even still, I was enjoying myself in some of the rounds. Round 1, the swimsuit round, was surprisingly active for me, if for no other reason than because it fit Washu somewhat well. Round 2, the Battle of Endor, wasn't too bad, but I didn't do nearly what I wanted to, because I went to play Castlevania: Lament of Innocence. Round 3... I didn't like it, not one bit. I can't remember a single positive thing that I did that round, and that's never a good thing. Perhaps it's because I'm not a Kenshin fan... ah well. Round 4 improved, slightly, but the only positive parts were parodying fights with Sacred Genius Fist. I think that Round 5 was my favorite... some duelling with Wayne, summoning and owning with Alexander, Pimp Mario vs. the Brothahood, a serious post thereafter, and Washu granting -MEGADAMAGE!-
Then came Round 6. I tried to have Washu do stuff, but I think my inspiration was running out. Then came the voting... Oh, what's the expression? Oh yes. -PWN3D!- I ended up with a positive total of 20, twelve higher than the next highest loser (which happened to be Wayne, who also happened to have asked to be voted out.)
It's at times like this that I really wonder if all the talk about "it's just a game" and "don't take it personally" really apply. To explain, one of the voters (I can hardly call them "posters," since they did all the votes out-of-character) said he nailled me with 10 votes for "redemption." To be honest, I'm somewhat skeptical of this. "Redemption"? Of what, praytell? *shakes head*
Well, as an expert on the subject said, "Everyone's gotta go sometime." I just wish that I had given Washu a better showing. Wayne and I were talking about this, and this was the exact situation I was describing to him. Well... it's a pity that hindsight is the only sight I have that's 20/20, or else I wouldn't get into these situations, now would I?
Of course, there's still one round left to go, but since I failed to put either Carly, Wayne or myself in, there's no reason for me to watch it or to vote for it. I might, just because it's the expected thing for me to do, but that's about it.
...and from what I learned from Wayne's journal, I'd better add a small disclaimer. This journal is my thoughts and my memoirs, and while LiveJournal has allowed others to view and comment, I will not alter my thoughts to suit them. So I ask those who might be reading... if you take offense to this, then I'm sorrowed. If you take offense to me, then I'm insulted. That's all, really.