Mar 05, 2006 20:24
well here i am in germany having loads of fun (miss you all btw) at any rate im going to definately miss the fredom i have here when i come home. not just with alchehol etc. but with other stuff as well, I like the fact taht at any given moment i could get invited to a party accross town and within minutes be out of the house, not being back till tomorrow at lunch. I have met some really nice canadians... and i think im in love... hahahah thats such a laugh nah im having to much fun for that sort of thing but i definately wouldnt mind aquiering a semi-permanant memeber of the opposite sex, not that im complaining or anything a woman is more or les the only thing i haven't dome since i got here (dont harrass me about drugs you know my oppinion on that).
I think its going to also be cool when the 2 week ppl get here (although i still need to here what you guys wanna do). Actually if you talked to me since fri you know that this weekend was filled with drama, and i really hope that it is nto the sing of things to come otherwise the best exchange ever might turn into the worst... ah well kiss kiss and all that.