Apr 21, 2006 14:42
Hong sighed as he glided down one of the many corridors of the palace, irritated a little with the idiots he planned around. The lords were all fools, acting like wolves up sheep that fought back like marines, and the Red Army.. They were just plain incompetent! Putting up slogans like 'Resistance To Oppressors When Convenient,' honestly. If Hong were leading a revolution, he would have had the Emperor slain and the entire continent aflame in six weeks, save for those parts two damp to burn.
It had taken considerable ingenuity on his part to make it seem like they had any victories at all... Ah, well. All part of the plan.
He idly wondered how Ali was doing. She was such a welcome change, but he hadn't seen her in a while... Ah, no doubt she was embroiled in her own affairs. Better to leave her be.