(no subject)

May 12, 2007 20:56

Well, this is my first post from my new PC; a Dell computer, running on Windows Vista. Pretty nifty features, and as you can imagine its a shedload faster than my laptop, which was on its last legs anyway. 138gb hard drive, 14gb of which I've taken up in the past four days or so. I'm also making more of an effort to back my stuff up on my pen drive, what with barely-averted catastrophe of losing all my university essays and notes before the laptop gave up the ghost. I also have a year's registration with McAfee, which means I won't be as susceptible to viruses, cookies, trackers etc. Essentially, on the off chance it gets ill, this computer will allow me to help it out; the laptop was a very unwilling, grouchy patient.

Anyway, enough about computers...

I just watched the video segment on Charlie's second-to-last post, and my mind wandered back to a bunch of dreams I've been having recently. As is usual with my mind, these things are laden with more coincidences, cross-connections and hidden meanings than I care to think about. Over the past few months, I've been refining my conception of dreams into a more intriguing and dynamic form; this, in turn, has slipped over into my dreams and affected them physically. Then again, is "physically" the right word? Perhaps psychologically, or - for a yet more accurate viewpoint - "oneironautically".

image Click to view

Consider this one in particular; on the night of the seventh, I had a dream which involved Neil Gaiman. In case you didn't know, Gaiman is famed for not only being a prolific author of novels and short stories, but also due to a graphic novel series known as The Sandman, which was part of the movement towards the trend of a more adult sensibility in comics. The basis of the Sandman series is the life of Morpheus, the King of Dreams, who rules the dream-world and controls the visions that sentient beings have when they sleep. Therefore, my having Gaiman in my dream was, to put it mildly, symbolic; here's a bloke who writes about dreams, turning up in the middle of my dream.

Things got weirder when his purpose in my dream was elaborated upon. As it turned out, Gaiman was present in order to preside over the marriage of John Constantine to some random woman. This didn't seem all that odd, but I made a point of noting it and sending my account of the dream to Gaiman's website. To date, he doesn't seem to have picked it up. Bloody writers.

However, things got freakier when I checked Gaiman's online journal, in which he mentioned his heading off to the wedding of comic genius, magician and diabolist Alan Moore to his long-time partner Melinda Gebbie (Moore is also the hairy bloke in the above video, by the way). This struck me as odd; I'd had a dream about Gaiman being at a wedding, and now he evidenced on his blog that he was soon to be present at one. This wouldn't be all that freaky, except Alan Moore is the writer who created John Constantine. Oh, and let's not forget, the writer professes to have met his brain-child street magician in real-life. So here, I had a writer appearing in my dream who wrote about dreams, holding a wedding ceremony. And as it turns out, the author of the fictional character who was getting married, is in fact getting married. Today, as it so happens. In fact, by time of writing, it probably already has.

If this isn't extremely weird, then I have no idea what is. Save of course, Nazis and dogfood. But other than that, nothing springs to mind.
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