Nothing much, as usual.

Apr 06, 2005 13:40

So I figured I'd throw an update out there. Still in Fayetteville, sadly, but only for another month or so. I think I can handle that. I've been pretty bored lately, especially when I'm up here, but I usually can can find something to do when I go home on the weekends. Or when I go home for a two week spring break and skip classes...yeah, I should stop that. Oh, on a brighter note, I'm no where near as depressed as I was about 2 days ago, and I feel like I owe that all to God. I hadn't been to church in quite awhile, and I went to Sunday School and the main service this past Sunday. It was great. Since then I've been trying to start reading my bible again and praying more, and my depression seems to have lifted, for the most part. I know it's very easy to stay in the mood you're in, even when you know what you need to do it can still be hard to do it. But this one thing is true: it's your decision to stay in that depression, but it is also your decision to get out of it. I knew that all I had to do was give everything over to God, but I still held something back. I feel much better now that I made the decision to be happy. This goes for any situation though. If you're living a lifestyle that you don't like and you don't feel like you're worth anything, then STOP. It may not seem that easy, but it is. Just stop. Make that all important decision, just as you've made the decision to keep living that way. The decision is, and always has been, yours. Make the right one. This may sound corny, but it's completely true. I love all you guys, and I'll be praying for you. Peace out, word to yo mutha.
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