Mar 11, 2005 10:01
I'm feeling pretty sick today. My girlfriend came into town last friday and by satuday was feeling pretty bad. Had some sort of bug till about monday and now i think i have it. Of course, it didn't kick in until she left, but that's how these things go.
I have to start writing more. Both in this and in general. Still trying to get to that point where i fall in love with writing, because i'm not quite there yet. It'll happen. Overall though, my writing has gotten a lot better. My voice(s) are getting more defined, my dialogue is less and less of the "Ping-Pong" nature, and my descriptive abilities(Setting, Character, gestures, Action, etc...) are getting better. Coming up with content is probably the hardest thing.
I'm taking a creative non fiction class now as well as prose forms(which while not required does try and push writers toward CNF). As odd as this may sound, its quite diffficult to write about myself. I mean sure, I have lots of funny stories about stupid drunk things that I or friends of mine have done. But that makes for pretty boring reading in all honesty. And the more serious things; some of them are just too serious to write about yet; I don't feel comfortable writing about certain events. Not to mention there's just alot of things i've done, or people i know and still care about have done, that aren't so nice. Psuedonyms are perfect I guess for these sort of occassions.
So i will take an effort to write in this on a more regular basis. Maybe someone will take an interest in reading on a more regular basis?