Sep 30, 2004 02:25
Things that have been pissing me off lately.....
1. Kids my own age, who are in college, who think they know how the world works. Guess what...they have no fucking clue how the world works. Neither do I, ya know why. Cus im 20 fucking years old and so are you. Until you have someone else that is dependent on you for economic security or in the case of those who do not want a family, are at least 100% financially independent from anyone else excluding creditors and banks, go fuck yourself.
2. People who beleive that since they get their news from a "Independent news source" that what they are getting is the truth. HAH. Everyone has a fucking agenda, even the "independent" liberal media.
3. People who would give every single penny they have to a non-profit organization, but won't give a cent to a homeless person on the street. And I hate the excuse "but they'll just use it to by liquor and drugs". Imagine how self motivated you would be if you had no home, no job, no money, no family, no real friends, and no purpose in life. I think u would rather have a bottle of wild rose instead of a sandwich too.
4. The fact that our country's agenda is to spend the money we don't have in order to "emancipate" and make better a country that isn't our own. Simply in order to create more business and more money for the people that already have, and take away jobs from the have-nots. And do it with the tax money of the have nots. Fuck that Shit. Not to mention the countless number of lives that our lost, on both sides, civilan and non-civilan in the name of democracy but really in the name of greed.
5. The fact that we still havent realized as a people that racism is nothing more than a means to aleinate the middle class and lower classes so that there is no way for them to come together and make this country better. Black, White, Orange, Yellow, Green, Brown... It doesn't matter. If you ain't got money, your a "nigger" in the eyes of those who've got it. Because without the middle class this country would collapse in a fucking day. One day is all it would take, if one morning every middle class worker in america were to not go to work, the entire economy would fall on its face. And once we realize this, we can finally begin to make this country great.
5b. The fact that classism exists. We are all in this together. Without everyones effort, we would all be fucked.
6. The entire fucking political system of the United States. We might as well have a monarchy. Our elected officials do nothing, and we let them do nothing. Disgusting.
7. The Presidental Election. One idiot versuses the other iditot. Isn't voting for the lesser of the two evils fun...
Okay...theres ton's more but im spent for the evening. If you agree with me, cool. If not thats fine too, because thats what is great about our country. The first-fucking ammendment. And even that is eroding, just like everything else that we founded this country on. And its sad, and when that goes, we can pretty much say goodbye to what we call "democracy".