Information for Soul Campaign.

Nov 24, 2010 20:03


Player Name: Errin
Age: 24
Timezone: Central
Personal Journal: meadowofpeace
Instant Messenger: eden0renewed (AIM).


Name: Wolfram von Bielefeld (Nicknames: Little Lord Brat/Spoiled Prince/Arrogant Poo (Wagamama Puu in Japanese (Puu is short for Prince) by Günter, Gwendal, Anissina. Bishōnen (pretty boy) by Yuuri. Otokomae (handsome man) by Yuuri. Sannan Boy ("The Third Son") by Adalbert. Wolfie by Cecilie. Lord Von Bielefeld by Murata and Shinou. Wolf-chan by Miko (Jennifer) Shibuya. Mr. Wolfram (Wolfram-san) by Yuuri. Wolf by Yuuri and Cecilie. And Honey-chan by Cecilie (when Wolfram was young in the novels) and Yuuri (once in the novels).)

-> All nicknames taken from his Wiki page (because it's hard to remember them all).

Age: His actual age is 82, but he looks about 15/16.
Gender: Male
Fandom: Kyo Kara Maoh! (Manga)
Timeline: At the end of volume 2.
History: (I can't find a good source for the manga canon, so I will write it myself.)

At the beginning of the manga, Wolfram is shown with Gwendal, discussing the arrival of the new Maoh (a.k.a. Yuuri Shibuya). The brothers decide to be cautious, but that plan is blown to the wind when Yuuri arrives (or, rather, falls at their feet - his horse riding skills are abominable). Because of Yuuri's clumsiness, Wolfram decides that he lacks dignity and therefore he can't trust him one bit. Conrad, however, tells Wolfram to not judge Yuuri so harshly. But, because of the relationship Wolfram shares with Conrad, he refuses to listen to anything he says.

As the day progresses into night, Wolfram finds himself sitting at a table with the majority of his family (i.e. Cecilie (his mother - and the previous Maoh), Gwendal (his brother) and Conrad (his other brother)), Gunter and, of course, Yuuri. During dinner, Wolfram lets his harsher humor get the best of him and he insults Yuuri's mother. Before he knows it, said boy has slapped him across face - thinking that he is punishing Wolfram when he is, in fact, asking Wolfram to marry him. According to the Mazoku (demon) customs, a slap on the cheek is a proposal. And when Yuuri refuses to retract the action, the two are locked into an engagement.

Wolfram won't take that sitting down, however. Knocking silverware to the floor, he waits for Yuuri to pick up the knife - which he does. Poor Yuuri doesn't know that such an action - again according to Mazoku customs - means Wolfram has challenged him to a duel and that he has accepted. Thus, the next day, the pair face off. For a brief moment, Wolfram is thrown off-guard when Yuuri removes his shirt and he ends up losing their Sumo Wrestling Match. (But it's not like he knows that that is anyway.) Temper flaring over his loss, the fire-wielding Mazoku calls forth a large, flaming lion, which leaps right at Yuuri. Yuuri dodges in fear and the lion ends up attacking a defenseless maid.

This time, Yuuri's temper is the one to flare to life. The sky darkens and great rain clouds bloom to life over everyone's head. Terrified, Wolfram barely holds his ground. But it's not like he has much time before two great water serpents wrap around him and lift him into the air. Choking and gasping for breath, he listens to Yuuri (or, rather, the original Maoh) pass judgment on him. Thankfully, the maid survives and, thus, the Maoh lets Wolfram live (but only if he shows compassion from hereon).

The Maoh's words seem to hit home with Wolfram. Once Yuuri wakes up, the blond is standing by the window, waiting for him. Gunter explains what has happened (and how much time has passed since Yuuri fell unconscious). Wolfram then steps in and does his best to look after his young fiancee. There is something almost tender in the way he treats Yuuri. But the black-haired Maoh barely seems to notice - especially when Wolfram informs him that Conrad has gone to take care of a village that has been attacked by Humans.

At the beginning of the second volume, Wolfram and Yuuri are riding to Conrad and Gwendal's aid. However, Adalbert blocks their way. Because Wolfram's "personal army" is composed of magic users, Adalbert is able to capture them - and Wolfram - in a spell. Yuuri is the only one not affected. Thus Wolfram is helpless when Adalbert tries to convince Yuuri that he should abandon the Mazoku and work for the Humans instead. Yet, at the last moment, Wolfram is able to find his voice and warn Yuuri that Adalbert is lying. He also tells the boy to go with Adalbert rather than struggle. When Yuuri argues, Wolfram tells him that he will be back for him "no matter what".

Convinced, Yuuri slides off of Wolfram's horse and helps the blond get away - by slapping the horse's hindquarters. He then tells Adalbert that he has no intention of leaving the Mazoku. Thus Adalbert feels like he has no choice but to kill the young Maoh. However, a Kohhi (flying skeleton - which is loyal to the Mazoku) arrives in time, shielding Yuuri from danger. The distraction allows Wolfram and Conrad time to reach Yuuri and shield him further from Adalbert. Needless to say, Adalbert retreats.

When Conrad sees Yuuri, he hugs the boy, causing Wolfram's jealousy to flare to life. Yuuri takes the embrace innocently, not knowing what Wolfram (and maybe Conrad) thinks about it. After that somewhat comical scene, the trio hurry to the village, where they find Gwendal. Once Yuuri sees the true horrors of the war between the Mazoku and the Humans, he becomes so upset that the Maoh is once again awoken. The rain that he calls down from the sky puts out the rest of the fires in the village and gives the survivors their first moment of peace.

Back at the castle, arrangements are being made for Yuuri's Coronation Ceremony. Once Yuuri (with Wolfram, Conrad and Gwendal in tow) arrive, Yuuri is immediately swept off to prepare for his meeting with the Great One (or Shinou). Wolfram, of course, helps him. He even gives him his Uncle Waltorana's gold eagle pin so that Yuuri "won't embarrass" them.

At said Ceremony, Yuuri is indeed given Shinou's approval (something that hasn't happened for a long while in the Maoh line) and he is pulled through the waterfall and back to his world. Wolfram, of course, agonizes over losing his fiancee so unexpectedly, and when Yuuri returns, he does his best to hide his emotions - but to no avail. He ends up yanking on Yuuri's hair and admonishing him for defying Gwendal's words. He continues his diatribe by asking Yuuri why he isn't wearing the golden wings he gave him (and Yuuri doesn't help matters by saying that he was naked when he arrived). (It's hard to tell whether Wolfram regrets not seeing his fiancee in the nude or if he's just jealous that others saw Yuuri in the nude. Actually, it might be a little bit of both. Then again, he does assume that Yuuri was doing "indecent things" with someone he didn't know in the other world - i.e. Earth.)

Putting all of Wolfram's misconceptions aside, however, the real problem is that Gwendal wants to declare full war on the Humans (because they are hiring spell-casters). Yuuri, of course, opposes this idea and instead decides to go after the Demon Sword, Morgif. Wolfram surprises his fiancee by following him (and Conrad) onto the boat (in their luggage, no less). Yet, it's not long before Wolfram's true weakness is revealed. The poor dear is incredibly sea-sick on boats/ships/anything that floats (which shouldn't be surprising from a fire-wielder).

Later in the journey, while Conrad is putting contacts in Yuuri's eyes, Wolfram jumps to conclusions and thinks that the two are...up to something naughty. He tells Yuuri (and Conrad by extension) off for doing those things while he is sick in bed. Then, as if that wasn't enough of a misconception, Wolfram finds Gunter's diary about Yuuri. (Complete with purple prose!) He starts reading a few passages just to bother Yuuri and, needless to say, he succeeds.

At the end of volume two, Yuuri has been informed that he must attend a party. Wolfram isn't going to join him - thanks to feeling sick again.

Character Personality: As his nicknames suggest, Wolfram is a spoiled brat. Yet, how can he not be when he has been raised in an environment where he gets what he wants when he wants? Such is the life of a pure Mazoku Prince. (And it doesn't hurt that he looks so much like his mother, either. Even those who are unfamiliar with him are easily able to recognize his mother's genes. Needless to say, Wolf has had a number of people swooning over him and seeing to his every need over the years.) Yet, if I were to leave it at that, I would be making him far too simplified. There is so much more to love about Wolfram - especially after he meets Yuuri.

At the beginning of the manga, Wolfram is stubborn, arrogant (particularly when he is dealing with strangers/outsiders) and very private. In fact, he only seems close to his brother, Gwendal - whom he respects greatly. Yet, after Yuuri arrives, he seems to open up. After the Maoh tells him to show compassion, he visibly alters the manner in which he deals with Yuuri and others. (Though they are subtle changes. For example, he stops insulting Yuuri so harshly and instead lends him a hand when he needs it.) The over-all effect of this change, however, is that Wolfram becomes more open about his feelings. He doesn't just expect others to know how he feels - he tries, instead, to put them into words. (Though, most of the time, Yuuri doesn't listen to his diatribes.)

Furthermore, Wolfram's insecurities come to light. The reason why he is so jealous of Yuuri talking/flirting with anyone other than him is because he is afraid the boy will leave him. Yuuri is the first one that he has truly loved; and even though he doesn't admit his feelings until later in the series, it is clear that he is falling for the new Maoh. Thus he pours all of his passion and courage into being with and protecting Yuuri.

Yet, despite Wolfram's over-compensation when it comes to making sure Yuuri remains his, the boy does have a kind side. The more he is around Yuuri, the more this side comes to a head. By the second volume, he shows that he is able to think of others and willfully put himself in danger.

Therefore, because of his passionate outlook on life, Wolfram is able to experience the extremes in emotion - whether that be positive or negative is irrelevant. But he is also able to put his emotions aside and be selfless once in awhile (usually when it counts). The more time Wolfram spends with Yuuri, the more his softer side will make an appearance. Perhaps, one day, the brat will be a figment of the past - though that seems unlikely.

Character Abilities: Wolfram possesses Fire Magic, which he, no doubt, inherited from his father. This power seems to be connected to his emotions. When his anger flares, so does his fire - that's the reason why he was able to call forth his fire lion (or wolf depending on manga/anime differences) when fighting Yuuri for the first time. Additionally, Wolfram is skilled in sword fighting, battle tactics and he is well-versed in Mazoku history; but none of that should be surprising considering he is 82 and from a family of royalty/politicians.

I believe it can be inferred that Gwendal (and Conrad to some degree) taught Wolfram how to sword fight. While Wolf is not as strong as Gwendal or as skilled as Conrad (who is known as the Lion of Lütenberg), he is an admirable opponent. Yet, when his emotions run high, Wolfram will likely fall back on his Fire Magic instead of relying on his sword (if he can). If he is in a situation where it is essential that he only fight with a sword, he will do so (though he will probably grumble about it).

As for his knowledge on battle tactics and Mazoku history, he learned most of that through experience (on the battle-field) and from Gwendal. His older brother is, by far, more well-versed in political matters and Wolfram would rather turn to him when questions come up. In that way, Wolfram knows that he is too passionate to look at a situation objectively. Thus why he concedes to someone (i.e. Gwendal) who is a lot more diplomatic. (Yet, even though he concedes to Gwendal's opinion, he will argue his point. In most cases, Wolf does have a valid point, but he isn't empathetic enough to be a proper ruler. If things were left up to him, Shin Makoku would have been embroiled in a war long before Yuuri arrived.)

Character Weaknesses: Wolfram's weakness are readily apparent. His main weakness has to do with Yuuri, of course. He fears that someone will try to steal him away - thus the reason why he refuses to let the boy out of his sight. I believe such possessiveness comes from: 1.) his own nature and/or 2.) some past relationship trauma. It's easy to forget that Wolfram is 82 years old, but, considering his age, it is conceivable that he had other relationships before Yuuri. The only one the series alludes to is Elizabeth (and that was a mistake), but I'm sure there were others. Therefore, there is a chance that one of his relationships (or more than one of them) went awry. Perhaps he clings to Yuuri because of what happened in the past or maybe he is just afraid to lose Yuuri to anyone else. Then again, his jealousy/possessiveness could just be his way of expressing how much he loves the Maoh.

His second weakness, which is also a bad one, is physical rather than psychological. He gets incredibly sea-sick when he is on any ship/boat/flotation device. This makes sense in a way. Because he controls Fire Magic, Water would be his opposite (thus why Yuuri is able to subdue him in their duel).

(Note: Also, later in the series, it is revealed that Wolfram fears another war like the one that happened in Julia's (the previous possessor of Yuuri's soul) time. He finds hope in Yuuri's approach to the Humans (as well as the Mazokus) because Yuuri feels the same way he does about war (i.e. he hates it). Wolfram's feelings on war probably stem from his experience in the army. After seeing so many men die around him and so many Mazokus endangered because of intolerance, Wolfram, slowly, comes to the conclusion that Yuuri's conception of the world is more right than wrong. (Though, at the beginning of the series, Wolfram is eager to declare war on the Humans. His change in perception is a sign of maturity.)

For the game, however, Wolfram will be torn between the two ideals. He will question whether or not it is right to use violence when one's pride is in jeopardy. Eventually, he will come to the proper decision - especially if Yuuri is nearby.)


I think Wolfram was chosen to be a Meister because he is already skilled in leading others and going on dangerous missions. In the manga, he has been a soldier for some time before Yuuri's arrival. In fact, I would guess that he has been a soldier since he came of age (which is 16 for Mazokus). Therefore, he has decades of experience under his belt. Plus, he is no push-over when it comes to battling with his sword and/or his magic.

Meister Ability: Scorching Soul


Soul Description: Passionate, stubborn, courageous, kind, loving and insecure.

Soul Appearance: Wolfram's soul is shaped like an orange flickering flame with an expression that flickers too. Sometimes, his soul looks peeved. Other times, it looks content.


First Person: What - [Wolfram's face appears on the communicator. He looks disoriented and possibly pained.]

Yuuri, don't tell me you moved me off of the ship while I was asleep! [Because that's just rude.]

You could have woken me up. I'm only sick when I'm on ships. [He is still a little queasy, but he is going to pretend like he's not.] Where are we anyway? I thought we were going to retrieve Morgif. This place isn't anywhere near his island.

[The blond exhales lowly before looking around. When he doesn't see Yuuri or Conrad, he stiffens.]

Did you ditch me, Yuuri?! You're doing indecent things, aren't you?! I'm going to make you regret that - [He stumbles to his feet and reaches for his sword - only to find it missing. Along with his clothes (which he noticed before he receives his communicator).]

Nn - what are the Shibusen anyway?

Third Person: His stomach wouldn't calm down. He had tried every remedy he knew and the only thing that seemed to give him any relief was sleep. Yet that was a problem. Yuuri was off with Conrad no doubt and he knew he couldn't trust those two.

They better not be flirting.

All he could hope for was for the pair to take pity on him and behave themselves.

Damnit! Why do I have to be so weak?! I should be by his side!

Rolling onto his back, the blond stared up the dark ceiling of their cabin. As he did so, he was reminded of the rolling waves underneath him. Oh Shinou, this trip was horrible.

Yuuri, come back. Please? Stay where I can see you...

As if that would work. The wimp would never understand his feelings. That was what was so irritating about him. Yet, it was also kind of...alluring.

No! I'm not attracted to him in the least!

But, before he could agonize more, he felt the ship shift around him. Instantly, bile rose in the back of his throat. Throwing himself off of the bed, he whimpered and tried to find his way to the bathroom. wasn't there anymore. And the bed was gone too.

"E-Eh?" he blinked at his new surroundings, his green eyes momentarily stunned by the darkness.

Unfortunately, his stomach wasn't as stunned. A moment later, Wolfram threw up, wiping his mouth after he finished.

"Nn." he licked his lips and tried to take deep, calming breaths.

Where am I?

information, soul campaign

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