1. What’s the most embarrassing thing/job you’ve had to do to earn money?
Sadly, I've had a lot of luck in jobs. Though, I will say that being a bartender for the first time was rough and rather embarassing at first.
2. What’s the easiest and quickest way you have earned a buck?
Just being alive got me a pretty hefty trust fund.
3. If you could set your own salary, according to your skills and worth, how much would you earn?
30,000/year. That would be just enough to maintain my current method of living.
4. Are you a good saver?
I can be when I want to be, I rarely want to though.
5. What’s the most expensive and useless thing you have ever bought?
I bought a warehouse in downtown Omaha, Nebraska once to host parties and live in -- it was pretty fuckin' useless.