Dec 26, 2005 18:12
yeah merry christmass to everyone and all that rigamaroar.
I got a bike from dad, some clothes from mom, decent enough christmas.
But all i got from everyone on my dad's side of the family was a freakin lamp from my grandma. Not so much as a card from my uncles and cousins. Isn't that just fucking lovely. Good to know you can count on your family huh? Even sharon's family gets me something little for christmas, nothing amazing, but just something to show me that they care. I guess I shouldn't expect any less from that side of the family, considering they hardly see each other outside of the holidays. whatever.
Nothing else really happening. Hung out with zach once. Supposed to hang out with cyndi today and rachel wednesday. I think I'm going to Meade County to go to Maggies for New Years, but I'm not for positive. I don't even know if its worth the gas. But I would like to go. Other than that im completely f'in free. Anyone want to hang out.?~!>>..