Lunar New Year's Tournament

Jan 16, 2012 01:28

Honourable guests and retainers,

In celebration of the Lunar New Year, I will be holding a New Year’s tournament. People of any rank or experience are invited to compete in this display of martial mastery. The prize purses include rooms within the Stable Tower, prizes of a personal significance, and the title and privileges of Lord of the Keep for one day.

Events will include archery, the joust and the melee.

The tournament will open with the New Year’s feast in seven days, and reveller or performer, competitor or spectator, you are all welcome to attend.

Your humble host

Deior, Lord of Holloway’s Keep.

OOC Details

That’s right, we’re kicking off this move with a bang! Spaced out over the weeks after the move there will be a number of martial events - with prizes! - including both archery and jousting.

But that’s not all.

We’d like to announce that as part of the New Year Tournament, our first-ever Fourth Wall Day will take place on Saturday the 11th of February.

Why are we announcing this so early? Good question!

This is not going to be just any fourth wall day.

Any characters taking part in fourth wall day will also be invited to take part in the game’s tournament melee. It will be a mock battle where the only “mock” part is which side you happen to be on, run party-log style for any character or public figure, guest or visitor who chooses to show up.

Obviously there will be some small restrictions applied to ensure fairness, and these will be outlined clearly on the melee post itself, but in brief they are:

∝ All powers are cut to ¼ of their canon strength
∝ All weapons are set to stun/crowd-control (laser weaponry, guns, tasers, projectiles etc) or else blunted (bladed weapons) so that they won’t kill with a single hit.
∝ Only guests will be eligible for melee prizes. So if your character gets knocked out by a fourth wall character, don’t sweat it. You could still be up for a prize.
∝ No mun journals. Only characters or public figures may take part. Your characters are going to remember this, after all.

No visitor sign-ups are necessary. Anyone who doesn’t want to take part in the melee is welcome to make a normal fourth wall post so that they don’t miss out.

We'll be holding guest sign-ups once we've moved, if not a little before, as for some events we'll need to sort you into teams or pairs.

In the mean time, your characters might like to get some practice in.

!event, a note from lord deior

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