I'm so glad that this website never existed when I was a kid
http://www.screenit.com It's a website where I guess mothers watch movies and then review it. It's funny because when reading it, it sounds like the typical way to over-protective parent.
My favorite part is when they break it all down into sub-groups of what anyone, anywhere could find the slightest bit offensive. The "imitative behavior" is definitely the best part. I can just see kids, after watching these movies, running around and chanting these over and over.
Stepford Wives:
Phrases: "Bitches," "Perfect sex kitten bimbos," "Like some alien freak show," "I'm no sissy," "Wuss," "Damn right" and "She's nuts." (Sissy?! She's nuts?!?!?! What in the hell have movies come to...it is tasteless and disgusting!)
We see Dave with a cartoon face drawn on his exposed belly (that he briefly makes "talk"). (That means your a sex addict)
The men cheer on a small, non-human robot battling another similar one that eventually removes a real bra from it. We later see Dave holding that bra. (Bra's aren't real, they are a figment of the media brought on by terrorist scares, speaking of which)
(First of all, any parent who brings their child to this movie should be shot...in the face...with a shotgun)
Phrases: "Hard on" (sexual), "Sit down and shut up," "Which one of them screwed me?" (nonsexual), "Poor bastards," "Who's your daddy?" "Hell of a shot" and "You damn well bet I am." (Who's your daddy?! Are you my mommy?)
We see an egg hitting President Bush's limo during his inaugural procession. (We also see the secret servicemen taking down this possible assassin with heavy arms fire and a few grenades)
A miscellaneous person has various tattoos. (Not tattoos! Oh my God!)
Spider-Man 2
(Even a wholesome superhero movie based on a comic book, which are the devil, isn't saved)
Phrases: "Or your ass is fired," "What, are you stupid?" "Geezers," "Psycho," "Watch it, jerk," "If promises were crackers, my daughter would be fat," "That's crap," "Pissing me off," "Freak," "Where the hell did you get that?" "The hell with it," "He's just a great big jerk," "What the hell?" and "Go get 'em, tiger." (We certainly don't want our kids calling each other geezers, thats reserved for talking about old people)
It's possible some kids could try to imitate Spider-Man jumping from buildings and then swinging on his web (by using ropes). The same holds true for all of the fighting, etc. (It is also possible that these kids have the cognitive capacity of jello)
A young woman wears a midriff-revealing top. (with tattoos! While cutting herself...and prasing Satan!)
Being so over-worked that other aspects of one's life suffer.
Harry being so obsessed with Spider-Man following him thinking that the superhero is responsible for his father's death.
The comment that intelligence is a gift, not a privilege, and should be used for the good of mankind.
Fusion. (I am sorry, but if your kid is trying to swing from building to building on ropes, I don't this they are of the appropriate age to discuss FUSION!)
Haha. I feel good now. I'm in a great mood.