
Sep 03, 2008 22:43

Privileged jackass laughing-at-community-organizers assholes.

Warning: live blog ahead

And now, a dig on San Francisco.


"Servant's heart" is not-so-code language to pander to the religious right.

I'm going to Obama's site to donate. Now. www.barackobama.com.

update Are they actually chanting "Go, Baby, Go"?

That fucker just mock-compared Obama to Moses.

And she's lying. Flat. Fucking. Lying. Can't wait to fact-check this shit.

Now she just fucking insulted the constitution.

Be afraid.

Let me hear their fucking plans. Anything.

Fucker. Just did a disability slam on Harry Reid.

So, okay, if you are a mayor of a small town, or a Vietnam Veteran, you are qualified without question?

Holy fuck she just blew a kiss to the P.O.W.

I'm wondering. Is she going to talk about herself at all?

Well, it's over. Guess not.

What she has proven is that, well, she's qualified to give a stump speech for McCain.

Ugh. Oh--nice--the babydaddy is smacking gum up on stage. classy.

Here comes the fuck-wad in chief. Wonder if he'll stare at her ass again this time.

Wow. that enthusiasm didn't last long.
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