Lora's Birthday 2019: Postwar Inter-District Interactions

Jul 28, 2019 00:21

anon asked for positive inter-district interactions postwar in the divergence universe

So I heard you have goats in District 9... )

fanfic:hunger games, prompt fill, fanfic, fanfic:hunger games:canon divergence

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kawuli July 28 2019, 10:14:16 UTC
D'awww Philips and Cora

And poor Katniss getting a full dose of Excited Eibhlin right in the face has got to be uh, A Lot


penfold_x July 29 2019, 00:17:06 UTC
By 'a lot' you obvs mean awesome :D


lorata July 30 2019, 14:36:11 UTC
Phillips and Cora are great, though the poor woman waiting for him to get with it

lolololol poor Katniss doesn't know what hit her


kawuli July 30 2019, 14:52:51 UTC
.....omg at some point Cora's probably like...

she made dinner, he's doing the dishes, she comes up, takes a plate out of his hands and kisses him

his brain shorts out, she laughs at him but in a nice way, and the dishes get....ignored for a while

Phillips' air of absolute wonder and bliss is noted by all but not commented on in public for fear of Ruining Everything.

Sara hears about it on a D9 run and doesn't even get halfway through her teasing response before someone (Zea?) is like "you know you're just as bad right?" and she's like HEY


lorata July 30 2019, 14:54:01 UTC
A+++ this is absolutely how it goes


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