Word Counts Meme (from Tumblr)

Jun 29, 2014 00:46


AS OF TODAY, my fanfiction-only counts are:

2014: 480,103
2013: 864,628
2012: 650,287

2.5-Year Total: 1,995,018
AO3-Only Total: 688,788

The above is a mix of Hunger Games, Avengers, various AUs and crossovers of the above, Temeraire, and Kamen Rider W.

Before that I didn't track my non-NaNoWriMo stats so I don't know. I know in high school (1998-2003) I wrote about 500,000 words of Star Wars fanfic and about 350,000 words of DBZ. After that I probably wrote about 100k for my friends' original characters, and I did a lot of forum-based RP in university, then I had a long fannish drought (other than Gordon Korman fandom, which basically pulled me through losing my mom) until writing Temeraire in 2009 and Hunger Games in 2012.

There are definitely tons of people more prolific than I am (I BOW TO YOU, AMAZING WONDROUS CREATURES OF HOW), but I think I have the record for most words written/fewest readers ratio. XD I was a minor BNF in DBZ back in the day (lololol no really) but since then I've maintained the habit of writing very niche things for a core audience of maybe 5 people and only posting about 1/10th of what I write on public venues. ^^ I'm cool with that, though. I am slowly, slowly bringing people over to the Careers and each one of you makes me extremely happy. :D

What I'm trying to say is, in 10th grade my friend's mom asked me why I wasted my time on fanfiction, and I didn't know what to tell her. Literally millions of words later, I can safely say that I don't have to justify myself to anyone.
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