I'm not sure who checks my stuff on AO3, but in case you missed it, I've been posting my long-as-balls Steve/Bucky fanfic over there. Update schedule (for the time being) is Sunday evenings on the North America side of the International Date Line (Monday mornings for me).
Title: Slow Work
Rating: PG
Pairing: Steve/Bucky
Summary: The future isn't all that's strange. Together in peacetime for the first time since before Steve took the serum, Steve and Bucky struggle to find their place -- and each other -- in the middle of a new millennium, new bodies, and new dynamics. Or, just because you wake up in a century where everything you've repressed is magically okay, that doesn't make it easy.
Author's Notes: This is being written because the Steve/Bucky in fandom is seriously lacking. (Ugh MCU Steve/Tony don't even get me started...)
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