Scary Shit in the middle of the road..

Sep 19, 2004 04:02

So tonight was lots of fun.. Warren, Ben, and I went to Grand Rapids to shake our booties at the club... we had lots and lots of fun... Hot boy and Ben were having way too much fun on the dance floor (Nasty Ben)... and there was the red dress mistress whom no one could dance with.. anyway.. it was a great time.. so after the LONG drive back to St. Joe.. Warren and I said goodbye to Ben and started back tward my home.. On the way back Warren and I had a nice conversation about live and stuff.. (thanks for listening Warren) and it was all gravey.. anyway.. we were talking about corn and how it's freaky at night.. I started to talk about how since I have seen Gothica I get freaked out that there is going to be some girl just standing in the middle of the road all tattered and stuff.. And then you will not believe this... but not 5mins after I say that... there is a girl walking down the middle of the road waving her hands and walking all crazy and she was crying hystarically (sp?)... we stop.. and she's like talking about how she hit something.. and then how her boyfriend just left her and she was lost... Me and Warren are totally freaking out but Warren stayed very calm.. (Good Job Warren) Another car was coming the oppisite direction.. and THANK GOD IN HEAVEN ABOVE... it was a cop... and so he took things from there... But It was soooo creepy... then we got to my house and we were like.. we should go back and see what happened... but of course they weren't there.. the cop probably took her to the station or something.. but it was so freaky.. I'll probably never want to drive at night again.. Ok.. I should go to sleep.. if I ever stop shaking...

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