Yuletide - The Theatre Edition

Jan 03, 2011 11:45

Given that I've spent a ridiculous amount of this year in theatres (hopefully some top theatre of 2010 posts coming soon) it's probably unsurprising that I'd eventually stray into theatre fandoms. I was surprised.

By These Pickers and Stealers by lorannah for furloughday
"You did love me once, my lord." - Act 3, Scene 2
Teen, 2,277 words, M/M, Hamlet/Rosencrantz
This one definitely took me by surprise as the idea of writing Shakespeare fanfic is utterly terrifying to me and I definitely didn't plan to start on Hamlet but the idea for this story has been stuck in my head since I saw the Tennant version. I walked out of the theatre that day overwhelmed by many things - but particularly by the obvious love of Hamlet and his old friend. I rushed to the internets to find all the stories there must be about them and found that... apparently it was all about the Hamlet/Horatio and that Hamlet/Rosencrantz had been completely overlooked (and also that Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are seen as being very similar - which I don't really see). So this story is me trying to convince everyone else that Hamlet and Rosencrantz have a secret, heart breaking love story. I am utterly stunned that it sort of worked. Now if I could just build myself up to writing the Romeo and Juliet and Winter's Tale stories that are still lingering in the back of my mind.


... I stand before you naked to the eyes by lorannah for sheepfairy
Kashoggi rants. Though he'd prefer to think of it as a soliloquy. Or, finally (and it's about time), a solo. 
PG, 828 words, Gen
A short stream of consciousness fic for Kashoggi, who somehow ended up being my favourite character in We Will Rock You - mostly because he captures the utter ridiculous glory of the whole thing. And he gets to do Bond Villain-nesque soliloquies.

... I lost his address by lorannah for alianne
Crissy remembers what she chooses not to forget.
PG, 364 words, Gen
Another really short fic, which I actually think had potential to be a much longer story if it had only chosen to come out smoothly. As it is though, I'm still really fond of this fic. I loved the revival of Hair (saw it far too many times) and loved Crissy so she was lovely to explore.

So there you go 22,231 words, 10 stories, 8 fandoms (none of which I had written in before) and a Christmas well spent. :D

This entry was originally posted at http://lorannah.dreamwidth.org/5559.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

yuletide, writing

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