On Cloud 9....

Oct 15, 2007 23:20

Its been a while since I've written anything meaningful.. I feel like I have so much to express but I don't know how to put it into words..or even begin to organize my thoughts.

I want to write about Robert, my other half... :)  I can't begin to describe how high I feel when I am with him..and not the bad kind of high..but high on happiness its been a very very long time since I felt this way with anybody.  He his different from all my other exes....he embodies everything I always found attractive about my exes (humor, looks, passions, talent, intelligence)  He is determined and he knows how to have fun with me...we can be serious and we can be goofy.  In a strange way he inspires me too...since I've come to know him, he has a really good heart, he gives money to bums and helps out strangers..its been a long as time since I've been around a completely selfless person and that makes me fall for him even more.

I am also glad some of his friends are friends of my oldest and dearest friends..we have the whole 6 degrees of separation between us..which I find a strange coincidence.  Also he's obessed with Boston...and its another funny coincidence  because I have been planning on going to grad school up there for years.. it seems like the stars have aligned and we have found each other.

Now I don't want to jinx myself and say we are destined to be together...but I can't help to think that everything seems too good to be true.  This time around I have my heart a bit more reserved..but I can't help that fact that I am falling for him, I am more girlier than usual..and I miss him greatly when I don't see him.

I want to fall in head first....but past experiences with love have caused me to pull back.  I blame the fact that I didn't get closure from my last relationship, and I don't know how it got that way...because it supposedly ended amicably.  I can't help but feel a bit cheated/disrespected/angry about how the whole thing went down and I am willing to go back and talk about them..at least clear the air..but it takes two make that happen and that other half of that relationship...decided that he didn't want to talk to me for no apparent reason.

Now..I have a feeling he doesn't want to talk to me because what he thinks I am going to say.. its either going to be something brutally honest and its going to make him angry, or something completely off becuase he made up things about me in his head.  I don't which one it is..but I really would like to sort this out..so I can stop feeling angry.

I am set to leave to grad school by Spring '09...I don't know what is going to happen to me by then.  Sometimes..I feel I should have stayed single so I don't feel bad about leaving Florida...but I can't help who crosses my path and get involved, I think its God's way of telling me to live and love...don't chase goals...without experiencing life.
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