Hi friends.
I started this journal a little over ten years ago, before "blog" was really even a word. When it began to catch on, I totally hated it and refused to use it. Lots of things have changed over the past ten years, and I wanted to have a fresh start for what I consider my new life.
I've started a new blog (hey, I'm using the word now!), and I hope that you will catch up with me over there. I'm keeping my Live Journal, because I have a permanent account, and I still want to read & comment on your journals. I highly doubt I will be updating this journal, but it will remain viewable at least for the time being.
I hope you all don't forget about me, and I really do hope you add my new blog to your reader/feed/bookmarks. You can find me at
loratastic.com, and also on Twitter @loratastic. I'm going to be putting more effort into this new blog adventure than I have here in the past, so I want to tentatively promise that it will be far more interesting. I'm just getting things started, so there's not much content at the moment, but I hope you stick with me.
Stop by and comment, or feel free to drop me a line there. Thanks for being here all these years.