
Jul 08, 2003 21:00

I'm sure you've all been on the edge of your seats, wondering how Lora's college orientation went! Well, wait no more......

Wake Up!
So I had to get up at 5am today b/c we had to leave the house at 5:30 to be in Harrisonburg by 7:45. Once we got there, I registered, and got my picture taken for my JACard (JMU ID/access card). Then we went to the bookstore and looked at computers, then went back to Warren Hall for the opening speaker...somehow there was this torrential monsoon between the bookstore and Warren Hall and me and my mom, along with about 10 other guests...were...soaked. Hmm...wet and irritated! Hm...things were pretty typical until...
I went and bought my computer between the opening and "major presentations". It's gonna be sweet...but of course anything will be sweet compared to this T-Rex I'm working with! And...I was gonna tell you all about it, but I seem to have lost the sheet. Oh well. I can remember some's a laptop, and it's got 515MBs or KBs or somethings of RAM, it has a CDRW/DVD drive, it's got one of those sweet screens where you touch it and it makes funky colors, um...what xp, with microsoft office xp professional...lalala...I bought a lock for it and an ethernet cable that is yellow so it will match my bed sheets, lol. It'll be at my house in like 3 weeks if you would like to come meet it. lol.
After that me and like 6 other girls learned all about nursing from the department chair of nursing and I really really liked her and she told me how to get involved on like nursing student association, and nursing student counsel, and christian nurses fellowship, and sweet stuff like that. I'm not having as many regrets now about giving up dance, and thanks to everyone who gave me a little advice on that subject (Lori, Katy Sue, Sarah). I also figured out that I CAN set up my schedule to apply for early admission to the nursing program, which I didn't think I could do b4.
I scheduled my's what I've got (mostly boring stuff this 1st semester...):
Tues & Thurs: 8am - chem 120, concepts of chemistry w/ Prof. William Vogie
11am - gbus 160, business decision making (a co-requisite for my learning community) w/ Prof. TBA
12:30 - gwrit103, critical reading & writing (which I'm actually exempt from, but it's also coreq with my lc) w/ Prof. Kenneth Wright
2pm - gcom 121, communication principles &practices (another lc coreq), w/ prof Timothy Ball

Mon & Wed: 3:50pm - math 155, college algebra (aka math for people who did really bad on the math placement exam), w/prof TBA.

Friday...hey...look at classes!

Hm...I also got this book we all have to read (kinda like lesson b4 dying @ JR last year), called The Things They Carried by Tim O'brien. someone did a report on it for Mrs. Robertson's project this past year, so it doesn't sound but so bad.

Other than that, nothing too exciting. It got really hot later in the day, so I dried longer wet and irritated.

keep my updated on your lives! see ya l8r!
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