(no subject)

Jan 02, 2007 15:18

"happy new year to everyone (if neone even reads this) went with family over to cousins house where some of the family and three of my cousins friends gathered. was pretty boring although all of the 3 friends were gay males so felt a bit more at home :P. didnt get to really talk to them though. one the way home i ran back cus it was just round the corner and i think ive pulled some muscles :P. i need to exercise more. ok so resolutions for this year are

1) change diet, cut out more junk food.

2) start kick boxing, get fitter.

3) make some gay friends, possible get a girlfriend.

these are things i feel really strongly about so i will complete them! whoooo.

thats it for me, c ya tom


oh yeh and i need to revise and do assignment :'("

1) change diet, cut out more junk food = HMMM well my diet has changed, am eating a larger variety of food but also more choco so i have half done this lol

2) start kick boxing, get fitter. ooooh didnt start kick boxing but have started aikido n i am fitter so i have done this whooo!

3) make some gay friends, possible get a girlfriend. oooh i now hve one gay friend and one who would be bi if she happened to be a male lol. i have had a g/f tho it lasted bout 2 months n wasnt that serious. bt this one has also been achieved :)

result = 2 1/2 / 3

coool i am quite proud of that....ah yes this year has been alot of fun n i cant wait for the next one thank god i came to uni :) its totally changd my life :D but onto the resolutions....

1) appriciate what i have got (again) but work hard at uni n life in general, but keep lft sane.

2) get my next level belt and if possible the one after that

3) get a boy friend to that i get even view of dating.

oooh so new years eve (NYE) was alot of fun. wen i got back into sheff on sat 2 mates came round, we hanged out for few hours, then went over scotts n celines for dinner (45 mn walk) we had this pie thing with mustard etc (was frence not sure what it called) n cheese n bread n smoothies was great time then after we just played board games (never do that at home) we then stayed over the night there on the floor chatted to karen loads.

sun got up did washing, didnt eat much. then we all got a lift into town, chris left to go home n shower karen came round mine n we showered (separatly) n got stuff packed for NYE party. then just hanged out. bout 5 we headed off to chrises to sort out what he was gona wear (via tram n bargan booze!) hanged out at his for a bit, waited then tied to find a way to the whitters house via a map. got tramp half way there n walked the rest (bout 2min).

we got there got changed n ready for going out, we all did few shots of taquilla n drank loads, took photos which are on face book. met up with lance n jack n crist n nic. we all got taxi into town, went the swim pub and i met up with james n don who were a bit drunk lol i got a free drink off then (thanks james!!!) then we all went devenshire pub (had to pay to get in pah!) just hanged out there for a bit lol. then we all went to mingdom bout 20 min before the count down n we just got in on time. went danced did the count down thing. hehe got my kiss n stole some guys england flag (bwahahaha) danced a bit forsome more. but we all decided to leave early cus crist was doing too well lol (tho she could so totally hack it!!) got taxi back to the whitters house n got chips on cheese (tho wasnt nearly as good as the chicken bar!!!) n we al sat don n ate it. then went to bed, lost half my stuff, phone, flag, necklace, ancklet, trouses, (all sstuff in trouses) and my coat!. slept on floor, it was very cold n karen snoores baddddd!.

woke up, found all of my stuff with alot of help from chris, packed n then we walked over to karens place (bout 30 min not sure) hanged out there n got breakfast, had karen race after me haha! i got all the way down the hall then ran out of room to run lol. then me lance n chris walked all the way back into town (bout 30min more) n the weather was nice, we all spilt up n i went home for shower n sleep. junk food ho!. then got text asking to go out for a dink at the night so got ready, chris came n hanged out a bit then we all met up at cav again we hads pizza n then just hanged out a bit. came back home n slept early. didnt sleep that well tho cus heater was on full blast n it can be turned off easily. n then have just woken up :D.

have got aikido in bout 4 hours cant wait will be good but scary cus havent been in like 2 weeks!  whoop!

yeh thats has been my life for the past few days :D was rocking time!
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