Jan 15, 2006 17:47
Bearing in mind that I am:
32 years old,
a graduate of Texas A&M’s Environmental Technician’s program, which made me a borderline Mysophob. at times (not a fear of what the germs do, but of the germs themselves), &
I completed two cooking classes in high school (which were a joke, but I did it nonetheless…) - with a 4.0 & that while attending the class I was forced to write a paper regarding the proper use of, utensils used with & clean up associated with: eggs, because I was bored & therefore talked too much (imagine THAT… heh),
I share with you the following:
Last night I had an UNBELIEVABLE sweet tooth. As luck would have it, I discovered we still had some packets of sugar cookie mix from the Christmas insanity around here, which would take care of the problem quickly. I went through all of the little song & dance, had the overlarge cookies in the oven & got to the clean up. I was standing at the sink licking off the spatula before I cleaned it, when a thought hit me that caused me to pause, for all of 2.5 seconds but STILL, I paused.
Thanks a lot Mom.