So, we've adopted two children. The one with the white is Mia, the one on the right is Beans.
Also known as: String Bean, Can of Beans, Silly Bean, Beanie Baby, Jumping Bean, etc.
He was a stray, 2 yrs old, and what we can only assume, a long tailed Manx. He is also a MONSTER. He will attack everything, he jumps in the shower, he'll go into the toilet, he will get into the trash, he also opens all of the closets at night, and it goes on and on and ON. Ahhhhh..... He always manages to find some way to cause mayhem. Always always. See the chipped bit of wall near his paws? YES! FROM HIM. XD He has an endearing side as well, however. He will follow me around the house, he fears no strangers/dogs, and at night, he has to sleep with me in a ball on my bed, right up against me. Lol. :D Awww. So basically, he is far to clever and curious for his own good. We've decided that if he was in Hogwarts, he's a Ravenclaw.
Also known as: Mia Monster, Mia Rose (omfg... I didn't come up with this one), and that's it really, not a name that does well for nicknames.
She's only just going to turn 2 yrs old. A stray, she was pregnant when she was only a couple of months old. All her kittens were adopted out of the SPCA, but not her, and she remained there for a year until we got her. She is the exact opposite of Beans. She's well behaved, quiet, shy, loves to just cuddle and sleep. She is, though, the dominant cat and routinely kicks Beans' ass. She is an homage, really, to my cat Maya, who is in NJ and is so old. They look a lot alike and I wanted a name that was similar. Also, she's a total bad ass Slytherin.
We had some people over for the winter break. My friend Hannah and her boyfriend Andre. I have decided that Andre is... not allowed in our house again. I was thrilled when they were leaving, to be honest. He would like, pet Beans, and say things like, "We used to have a cat just like him!!! Until we got too drunk and bashed his head in with a rock!" D: D: D: What the fuck? You don't do shit like that or let alone say it while you're petting someone else's animal? He then proceeded to pick Beans up and throw him at me in the kitchen, saying we should play a game of tossing him around! Lol! It'd be FUN. I caught Beans and held him and told him that was NOT okay. One thing that gets me, though, was that Hannah just let it slide, like "oh lol, he's just playing around." No, that's animal abuse. Ryan was quite freaked out and said the same thing I did, never again. People are so fucking awkward sometimes. We've known him a long time before that, a year? maybe, and, yeah, sure, he's a bit out there, but this was just, idk, bizarre.
Afterwards, Kanako came over for the New Years and made us mochi. Delicious DELICIOUS. I've never had it before and it tasted like chewy candy. *__* I introduced her to root beer, unknowingly, and that was a lol. She kept sipping it and exclaiming "WOW!!! NEW TASTE!!?!?!" XD
Otherwise, the winter break was a delight! Full of snow, nanaimo bars, and sitting around playing Dragon Age. Mmmm... Dragon Age 1/2. How I love thee so. As soon as I finished the second one, I tried to play the first again, only to stop, get up, and replay the second one all over again.
Unfortunately, back to the grind and stress of university. My last semester until I got for my masters, though, so I guess that's something.