Goal achieved! Graduation Time!!!

Dec 10, 2010 02:54

On the 29th of Nov was our Judgment Day as we like to call it...it was the day our results get released and everyone was holding their breathes waiting to see if we passed and will be graduating...and I am VERY HAPPY to say that I WILL BE GRADUATING!!! :DDD
I was so relieved and sooo happy that I managed to pass the 2 subjects that i initially failed but had the chance to re-submit!!!
Anyways I haven't had the chance to post in a couple of days but i thought i could share the good news with you guys :)) On Wednesday I picked up the Tickets and the robes and sash and got the Pictures out of the way, I was sooo excited to pick it up :D...the ceremony will be on Wednesday 15th of Dec and my mother and I can be a bit superstitious, so we decided that I will not be going out next week.
Gahh, I'm sooo happy that all the hardwork paid off in the end, I guess now I can say that all the emotional ups and downs are worth it. And I really believe that I'm going to say this but I think I will miss going to Uni. Maybe I'll take a year off to find a job and apply for another course after that. Good idea? yay or nay?
This is what the Diploma Grad students will be wearing :))


uni, rl

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