Semester 1 Project

Jun 28, 2010 18:33

Our major assignment for Design Studio  this semester is  was to create an ensemble of semi tailored jacket and skirt, using a wool fabric. The three choices of themes are Australiana/Indigenous and the 60's, Tibet and the 70's and Medieval and the 80's. And well, surprise surprise, I chose Medieval and the 80's (most of the class did anyways because we are more familiar with it). First step was to draw some sketches to show the teachers, and then patternmaking - most of us got in trouble here, time wise, we spent way too much time on it than necessary. And so the last step was to actually sew it, we were given 5 weeks to finish the coming days our class was so hectic, everyone was in a panic to finish it. We did manage it but we thought we could have done better. I'm so glad that was over, huge sigh of relief when the last button was sewn...and now i'm getting ready for nest semester, with a label collaboration - redesigning beach pants for Stussy and redesigning a Cocktail dress from secondhand fabrics and materials. Anyways here's what I came up with, i thought it looked alright...hopefully next time i can improve it more...


With the Jacket and skirt, I borrowed the 80's silhouette, with the big shoulders, big collars and it is inspired by the power suits, I emphasized the shoulders by putting on caplets which are inspired by medieval knights' armory and for embellishments, i did a hand embroidery on the caplets, as well as a hand embroidered patch. 
I have chosen  one of Spain's coat of arm as an embroidery to put on the jacket as well as the skirt. The Jacket is a princess cut and  semi tailored with a revere collar 2 piece sleeve and caplets attached by hook and eye. And yellow lining inside. The skirt is high-waisted mini pencil skirt.

My  Inspirations





The Final garment




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