PICSPAM WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May 23, 2009 23:51

ok so im picspam-ing my entry this week :D

May 17, 2009 Madrid Finals, finally after about 4 months since the Australian Open our boys came face to face again in another final in Madrid, even though the match itself wasnt that exciting, the post-match, and ceremony are full of adorkable and cute moments...from the hug on the net to taking confettis off of each others hair which is just <3333333
and all the talking ang giggling during the speeches...could they be aymore cute <3333 :D


(thanks to youdistractme  for the lovely animations)
Taking confettis off of each others hair iand Rafa running across the stage to stand next to Roger is just so dshfvbsdbv jsdvfsdb jk!!!!


And of course one of them has to win and one of them has to lose and this time Roger came out triumphant, winning his first atp title in a year (woot woot!!!) and i hope this will be a turning point for him and for the rest of the season he'll get back on track. Congratulations Roger!!!

so all in all Monday was great, took the day off for this and i got to say it was soooo worth it :D

Tuesday: nothing much happened that day...except i didnt sleep that night to do an all nigher for my Garment Details assignment thats due the next day...

Wednesday:  havent had any sleep, i keep falling asleep on the train and during class...when i showed up at school, half of the class is missing!?! so unfair, half of the class stayed home still doing the assignments, well at least i finished and handed it on time, i only wish that i me being sleepy i decided to skip Fibres and Fabrics to go home early and sleep...


Thursday: My day off!!! slept in and went to the plaza and what did i find? DEATH NOTE DVD!?! I finally found and bought the dvds, so now i can watch the movie and watch my L over and over again anytime i want :D

series tied 1-1

Lakers won game 1 and lost Game 2 :(
leading in game 2 and still they lost, what the hell! they better win game 3 and 4!!!
as for the other series i hope Orlando wins!

Friday: nothing exciting realy happened...

whats next? well Roland Garros starts Sunday so im definetely be watching that, i really wish this the year that Federer finally takes he title (*crosses fingers) if not at least Nadal would set a new record...

and wow this is a very long post...woops, got carried away sorry o_O

rafael nadal, picspam, movies, fedal love, roger federer, fedal, photoshop, sports, animations

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