survey stolen from kateykate behind the cut

Jul 06, 2006 14:40

Well for once I am actually not procrastinating. I really actually have nothing to do. I am on holidays at the moment which pleasantly relaxing, however I am beginning to miss the routine and structure in my life as I feel I have nothing to get up for. And I am having massive sleep ins then late night insomnia which isn’t so bad as at least I know there is a cause for it this time.
The end of last term got quite hectic but I passed everything, with ‘flying colours’ as one of my tutors put it. After all the stressing out I did over failing! My tutor at clinical told me that my assignment was really good, she was impressed and she said I have great skills, both on the academic side and on the floor as well. She said I’m going to be a great nurse and they need more nurses like me. Yay!! Ok enough of the bragging but it was a very great compliment to hear after I worked (and stressed!) so hard at the end of last time and it meant a lot to me. Oh, and I eventually got over the insomnia thing, which was good because that was a really horrible experience.
Ben’s not going away anymore. That’s yay too. He decided he wanted to be with me instead, as I wasn’t able to promise I would still be here and feel the same when he got back. He’s still going to Thailand but that’s only for 4 weeks and I am sweet with that because when we were long distance, that was how long we went between seeing each other, for six months! When he gets back, we may move in together. We have talked about it and he is ready, but I am not 100% sure. And I need to be this time after the traumatic events of the last boyfriend I lived with. So things are on track and going well, apart from him leaving on Monday. But Kate is back then so we can do lots of cool stuff to distract my mind from it, then I will be back at tech so I should have a full on time which will make the time pass really quick.

200. My middle name is:

199. My first name is:
198. I am:
… a raging alcoholic (no, I’m not really… okay maybe a little binge drinking session every now and then).

197. my cell phone company is:

196. your eye color is:
Bluey green

195. My shoe size is:
Generally 9, or one size either side of that.

194. My ring size is:
I don’t know… the only ring I wear is the one Ben’s mum gave me, and I had it on my middle finger but it snapped so it must be too fat, and now its on the finger next to the middle that’s not the index. Short answer: I don’t know.

192. My height is:

191. I am allergic to:
When I was little, I was allergic to something in diet soda drinks (I think it may be phenalyinine?) and I used to get itchy, hive spots when I drank it, so did my sister. I’m not sure if I’m allergic anymore but my sis had some diet Sprite a couple of years ago and she had a reaction, so I’m not taking my chances.

190. I live in:
A 3 bedroom, front flat somewhere in Christchurch, NZ.

189. The last book I read:
Angels and Demons by Dan Brown, and currently reading the Da Vinci Code.

188. My bedtime is:
On school nights, when I’m not on holidays between 9.30 and 10.30, depending on how tired I am. Over the holidays it has been creeping up to around 11.

187. One thing I know for sure about the opposite sex is:
They don’t have boobies (unless they’re really fat).

186. I am glad I'm me because:
I am doing something productive with my life and I am really satisfied and happy doing it.

178. The perfect kiss is:
When you’re really horny, and your “lover” (whoever it may be) starts kissing you in a way which implies you’re going to get some… too much information?
177. The last three cd's I bought are:
Man, I haven’t bought CD’s for ages, because they come about the bottom of the list of stuff to buy. It would probably be.. Linkin Park and Jay Z mash up, Concord Dawn, and the best of Placebo

176. Last song that made me cry was:
I think it was ‘Where’d you go’ by Fort Minor

172. My most treasured POSSESSION(s) is(are):
My iPod and my cell phone, because I couldn’t live without them.
170. What did you do last night:
Played on, watched television, then went over to Ben’s about 11 because he worked late.

167. My skin's reaction to the sun is (tan/burn):
If I get too burnt, I go red then peel then brown… I don’t tan easily though.

:::::I Do (YES)/Do Not (NO) Believe In:::::

143. Santa?
Umm.. no

142. love at first sight?
No. I fall in love with personality which is something you have no way of knowing at first sight.

141. Luck?:

140. Fate?:

139. God?
I believe in something, a ‘higher being’ type thing but I’m not sure it’s the God Christianity describes.

138. Aliens?
Yes, considering we live in an infinite universe its pretty impossible to believe that there is nothing else out there.

137. Heaven?:
Not so much the Christian definition of heaven, but I believe in a spiritual world that we cross too after death.

136. Hell?:
Not sure about this one. Probably not the one with fire and demons and all that but I think there could be a bad scary place where bad spirits go.

135. Ghosts?:

134. Horoscopes?:
Not really. I read them but they’re always so generic its hard to apply them.
135. Soulmates?:
No. Some people are just better suited to you than others.

:::::Which is Better?:::::

129. Hugs or Kisses?:
Hugs. Not a huge fan of kissing… exchange of saliva and all that. Hugs are more comforting and can be given by all.

128. Drunk or High:
Definitely high. No nausea or nasty hangovers the next day and you can drive.

127. phone or online:
Phone. I find it hard to make a conversation flow online.

126. Red heads or Black hair?
Black hair on a guy, but red hair can look really beautiful on a girl.

124. hot or cold?:
Cold. With cold you can always warm up. Hot is really hard to cool down.

123. summer or winter?:

122. coffee or tea?:
Tea… I drink Peppermint tea. Yummy!

121. chocolate or vanilla?:

120. Night or Day:

119. Oranges or Apples:

118. Curly or Straight hair:
I love curly hair but it looks silly in my hair.. so straight

:::::Here's What I Think About:::::

116. Abortion?:
I’m pro choice - I wouldn’t have one myself because I know I am capable to look after a baby and the guilt would eat me up. But in some circumstances it’s the only option really.

115. Backstabbers?:
So annoying. And it always bites them in the arse in the end.

114. Parents?
Parents are okay, when you don’t have to live with them. Mine are pretty helpful and supportive, but get annoying when they interfere in my life.

110. School?:
Its not for everyone I suppose… it worked for me though I guess.

::::Last time I:::

102. last time I hugged someone:
This morning I hugged Ben when he left for work.

101. Saw someone I haven't seen in a while?:
Last Saturday, I went to Chrissy’s 21st and saw a lot of people from Aranui I haven’t seen for a while.
99. Grew?:
Depends on if you mean up or out… lol. I’ll go with up that would have been about 5 or 6 years ago.


90. Who's the ditziest person I know:
Either Kate (sorry dude, I mean it in a nice way!) or my sister’s mate Freya.

89. Who makes you laugh the most:
Definitely the boys (Josh, James etc). Especially if I’m wasted.

87. One thing I'm mad about right now is:
I have been working out every day for the last 2 weeks and not lost any weight… its so frustrating! My theory is that because I’m so cold all the time my body is storing everything I eat and it the summer it will all drop off… I hope!

83. The last movie I saw in the theater was:
The Da Vinci Code.

82. The thing I don't understand is:
How cars work. No matter how much someone explains it to me, I can’t get it.

80. The most unsatisfactory answer I've ever received is:
Being ignored is probably the most unsatisfactory answer for any question.

79. The one thing I love about the opposite sex is:
They are laid back and don’t get bitchy over little things, and they either confront each other about a problem or just forget about it.

76. This summer I am:
Probably working a lot.

75. Something I will really miss when I leave home is?
I’ve left home… probably having someone do my washing.

74. The thing that I'm looking forward to the most:
Ben coming home from Thailand (even though he hasn’t left yet!)

73. Tomorrow:
My sis is going to dye my hair, I will go to the gym then go to work.

72. Today:
I went to the supermarket, the council to get a new recycling bin (someone stole ours, grr) came home, went to the gym, had lunch, watched Dr Phil now I’m here.

71. Next Summer:
No idea… its so far away.

70. Next week:
Ben will be gone :( I will still be on holiday.


67. People call me:
Kirsty, Kirst, Loppy

62. Person that knows most about me:

61. The person that can read me the best is:
Ben, or Sarah

60. The most difficult thing to do is:
Talk to someone about something that makes you uncomfortable.

59. I have gotten a speeding ticket
Never! Yay.

58. I have the following siblings:
Younger sister, aged 17


55. The first person I thought I was in love with?

53. The one person who can't hide things from me:
Hmm… I think most people are pretty good at hiding stuff from me.

51. Right now I am talking to:
No one :(

48. I have a job :
Yes, looking after old people.

47. I have these pets:
Well technically I have no pets living at my house, but I still consider my pets at Mum’s mine… 2 cats, Chloe and Suzie, a dog, Missy and a bird, Pookie.

46. I hope:
I have a lucky financial windfall.

45. The worst sound in the world:
Fingernails down a blackboard… can’t stand that sound.

44. The person that makes me cry the most is:
Ben. Most of the time its not his fault though, I’m just retarded.

39. My boy/girlfriend:
Ben, I have talked about him a lot :)

35. florida or hawaii?
Hawaii, because its an island and islands are pretty.

33. My favorite piece of clothing is:
My black Roxy hoodie and my dark jeans… so comfy!

32. My favorite sport to play is:
I haven’t played sports for a while. I enjoyed netball, touch and hockey.

31. Last time I cried was:
Tuesday night. I have been a little emotional this week

27. Last person I got mad at was:
Cherie, she had her tv on loud and it was late at night. Grrr.

26. My worst drinking experience was?
The first night I ever got drunk, the formal after party at Sam’s. Spewed on the floor, on myself, got leaves stuck to my face, had to be carried from the car to my house. Great look… not. Or the first time I got drunk after I broke up with Sam, I drunk 2 bottles of wine then walked to his house and banged on the window till he let me in and lets just say it didn’t end well.


18. The most annoying person you know is:
Cherie. But that’s probably just because I live with her.

17. I lose all respect for people who:
Are slutty and don’t have respect for themselves.

16. The movies I have cried at are:
Many… Titanic, the Notebook, Ghost.. there are many.


11. The worst pain I was ever in was:
Probably having really, really bad migraines.

9. My room has:
A bed, desk, chest of drawers, computer.

8-6 are unimportant numbers

5. My weakness is:

4. What turns me on:
Okay I won’t give too much information this time… I’ll say being complimented.

3. are you heart broken?:
A little part of me always will be, yes.

2. I filled out 200 questions because:
I’m bored and sick of my own company.

1. name the "ONE" person you trust the most:

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