Feb 25, 2006 12:10
Ben finally lives here now. Its awesome. He has a wee flat on Worcester St and its so cute! Its really nice for us to have our own space. We were going to take it slow but so far I have been with him every day for the last week, its still such a novelty to have him around. We had a small fight this morning about ex's. He thinks I'm not over mine which in truth I'm not. I am to the point where I don't want to be in a relationship with Sam, but I know if Ben broke up with me I would go running back to Sam in a second. Which means I'm obviously not over him. But I have to lie to Ben and say that I am which is really hard, because I hate lying to him. The ex issue is so hard for me and I have a lot of insecurities about it.
I'm back at Polytech now. Its really good and much better than I expected, despite having to go back on my birthday. I just love that I can have my routines back, hang out with people my own age, and keep my mind occupied. I'm so busy already and I missed class yesterday, because I went on Thursday night and got stupidly retardly drunk and thought I was dying yesterday. So I feel a bit guilty about that. But from now on less partying, more studying and making a real go of this.
My birthday was really nice and I was spoiled with awesome presents. I won't rattle them off because that would be boring. I went to the casino for tea which was heaps of fun. I gambled for about 2hrs and only came away $5 poorer so I had a few small wins but nothing major.
Well this was just a quick update because I have tonnes of work and I want to go back to Ben's because I still feel sad about the fight, and I also must email back Kate in China. I miss her :(