(no subject)

Mar 27, 2012 01:16



ABCs of James Potter

A-Animagus. James Potter (along with Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew) became an unregistered animagus at the age of 15 to keep his friend, Remus Lupin, company during his transformation as a werewolf during the full moon.

B-Born March 27, 1960 James Potter was the only son of an older wizarding couple. Being born late in his parents’ life and also their only child, James was brought up wanting for nothing.

C-Chaser. Although James Potter is seen carrying a snitch in “Snape’s Worst Memory,” JKR has explicitly stated when asked what position Harry’s father played “James was a Chaser.” He carried the snitch around because it was much easier to impress girls (LILY EVANS or so James hoped the snitch would impress her) with a snitch than a quaffle (not to mention easier to transport).

D-defied Voldemort 3 times. Although we know little about these events specifically, we know that Voldemort wished to recruit James. James, as a talented pure-blood wizard, would have been an asset for Voldemort, but James never bought into Voldemort’s ideology or his supremacist propaganda.

E-Eyes of hazel coloring. TRUTH. Harry, his son, was identical in looks to James with the exception of eye color. James had hazel eyes, whereas Harry inherited the green eyes of his mother, Lily.

F-father. James was the father of the one and only Harry James Potter. That’s some kewp sperm imo.

G-“Gryffindor, where dwell the brave of heart!”

H- “Now, yer mum an’ dad were as good a witch an’ wizard as I ever knew. Head Boy an’ Head Girl at Hogwarts in their day!”-Reubeus Hagrid

I-Ignotus Peverell. James Potter was a descendent of Ignotus, the youngest of the three Peverell brothers otherwise known as the original owners of the Deathly Hallows. Ignotus (AKA THE BEST PEVERELL BROTHER) inherited the Cloak of Invisibility from Death . “But though Death searched for the third brother for many years, he was never able to find him. It was only when he had attained a great age that the youngest brother finally took off the Cloak of Invisibility and gave it to his son. And then he greeted death as an old friend, and went with him gladly, and equals, they departed this life.” The night James died, Dumbledore had the cloak in his possession. In PS/SS, Dumbledore passed the cloak down to the rightful owner, James’s son, Harry Potter.

J-James is his name t b q h

K-killing curse. James Potter died on October 31, 1980. He was victim to the killing curse (avaka kadavra) of Lord Voldemort . His last words were, “Lily, take Harry and go! It’s him! Go! Run!” He attempted to fight off Lord Voldemort without a wand with the hopes that his wife and son would have a chance to escape. RIP RIP RIP

L-Lily Evans Potter. Lily is the wife of James and the mother of Harry, James’s son. Their relationship may have had a rocky start, but James was always pretty sure of his feelings. In OotP, Harry sees his 15 year old father, “James, who was now doodling on a bit of scrap parchment. He had drawn a Snitch and was now tracing the letters 'L.E.'” It is later discovered that the two start dating 7th year. (OTP OTP OTP OTP TO END OTPS). James and Lily are buried next to one another in Godric’s Hollow, where they both died on October 31, 1981. Their tombstone reads “The Last Enemy that Shall be Destroyed is Death.” (AGAIN OTP)

M-Marauder. James Potter was one of four “marauders.” The other three include Sirius Black (James’s best friend and Harry’s godfather), Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew. Known to pull a lot of pranks and were basically the Fred and Georges of their day. They were very bright wizards. All became animagus and created the Marauders map during their days at Hogwarts.

N-Not a douche tbh. James had a fierce rivalry with Severus Snape and was completely against any dark arts. A known prankster, James was immature AT THE AGE OF 15! However, he seemed to grow out of that phase (as so many of us do) and acquired important duties as Head Boy. He also fought in a war were he was not being persecuted but fought anyway because he knew Voldemort was wrong. He sacrificed his life for Lily and Harry in the hopes that they might have had a chance to escape. He chose to fight when the choice mattered.

O-Order of the Phoenix. James Potter was one of the original members of the Order of the Phoenix.

P-Prongs. This was his nickname (derived from his stag animagus/patronus form) at Hogwarts. He was referred to as Prongs presumably by the other Marauders. We see Prongs, Padfoot, Moony and Wormtail interact on the Marauders Map as well. 

Q-Quidditch captain. James Potter was an avid fan of the sport and became captain in his 6th year (much like Harry).

R-really smart and popular. Brilliant in transfiguration and DADA, James had great grades and was pretty popular due to his success on the quidditch pitch.

S-stag. Both James’s patronus and his animagus form were that of a stag. A very noble and masculine creature in mythology, the stag embodied James’s character.

T-transfiguration (wand). Jame’s wand is 11’’ MAHAGANOY. Dragon heart string. Ideal for Transfiguration.

U-“Until the very end” As Harry walks to his death in “The Forest Again” he turns the Resurrection Stone thrice saying “I am about to die.” He is greeted by James, Lily, Sirius, and Lupin.

“And again Harry understood without having to think. It did not matter about bring them back, for he was about to join them. He was not really fetching them: They were fetching him….A chilly breeze that seemed to emanate from the heart of the forest lifted the hair at Harry’s brow. He knew they would not tell him to go, that would have to be his decision.” Harry asks “You’ll stay with me?” “’Until the very end,’ said James.”

V-Very handsome. L B R

W-Wealthy. James Potter’s family was very wealthy and when his parent died (it has been quoted as sometime between 1978-1980), James inherits all of their wealth. James and Lily live off of his wealth making it possible for them not to have jobs and live in hiding.

X-cellent hair which he often ran his hands through. Maybe as a nervous habit. Maybe as a way to make it looked as if he just got off his broom. Maybe to try to impress Lily Evans Potter.

Y-Young. James died at just 21 years old. He was 20 when Harry was born, was married to Lily before that and he had been fighting in the first war since graduating from Hogwarts (presumably maybe even before then). Before Harry was born (when James was just 20 years old!) James (and Lily ofc) had already defied Voldemort 3 times. The only others known to have done this and escape were Frank and Alice and we are not sure of their ages. 

Z-Zonkos. He liked it there allegedly.


What would be kewl: Saying kewp things about James. Posting kewp fanart. Posting kewp fanfic is also welcum!
